Add a Brightspace Assignment folder

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About Assignments

The Assignment tool is used to create dropboxes where students can submit their work for assessment. The assignment itself is designed by the teacher, as well as the timeframe for submission and the type of submission that is expected.

About submission types

Four submission types are available to instructors when creating assignments to allow evaluation of many different tasks.

  • File submission: learners upload and submit a file to the assignment.
  • Text submission: learners post text, image, or a link to their work in a text box within the assignment.
  • On paper submission: learners submit a physical copy of their assignment directly to their instructor. No file upload is required to complete the assignment.
  • Observed in person: allows instructors to observe learners as they perform tasks, such as in-class presentations, and evaluate them using Assignments. No file upload is required to complete the assignment.

On paper submissions and Observed in person assignments include additional completion options as no submissions are made by learners in Brightspace Learning Environment. These submission types can be marked as completed manually by learners, automatically on evaluation, or automatically on due date. Instructors select their completion option when creating assignments.

How to create an Assignment folder

  1. On the navbar, click Assessments.
  2. On the Assignments page, click New Assignment. You will be presented the dialog below:
  3. In the Name field and the Instructions field, enter the name of the assignment and any instructions the students will need to complete the posting of their work.
  4. Notice the Score out of field. By default, the assignment is ungraded. To change the assignment to graded, click on Ungraded and the field changes to a blank filed into which younger the maximum number of points.
  5. If you wish to set a due date for the assignment, click on the Due Date field and enter the date using the calendar function.
  6. To set the dates the assignment is available to the students, click the arrow after Availability & Conditions and enter the Start Date and End Date by clicking in the fields and using the calendar function. (See Fig 1.)
  7. To define the assignment type and how submissions are accepted and retained, click the arrow after Submissions & Completions. (See Fig.2)
    • Select Individual Assignment if each student submits their own work or Group Assignment is it is a group project. If this is a group project, you will be prompted for the Groups definition you desire. For additional information on Groups and how to use them in Assignments, see Groups and Assignments.
    • Set the Submission Type. File submission means the students are expected to upload their work in the form of a file. Brightspace supports most of the popular file types including all the Microsoft Office formats, PDFs, and popular graphical formats. Text submission says the students will type up their responses in an editor window in the assignment folder. On paper submission denotes there will be no submission to the folder, that you will collect the submissions and asses them on paper. Observed in person says the submission was a presentation or performance that the teacher watched live.
    • Finally, set the number of files that student will be allowed to submit and how you wish Brightspace to curate the submissions.
  8. Click Save and Close.

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