Managing bookmarks to web resources

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About this article

This article includes general information about saving, organizing, managing, and transporting your bookmarks to your favorite websites. It is intended for all members of the WSU community.

Why bookmark?

Most people are quite familiar with bookmarking websites. All major web browsers allow you to bookmark any website you visit, saving that site's unique address or URL to a personalized list. Later, instead of searching for the site or entering its address from memory, you simply select it from your bookmark list. Building a list of bookmarks is a great way to create a personal learning environment, customized to meet your needs. Your list of bookmarks may fall into one of these three categories:

  • Unstructured - A list of bookmarks used for reaching important web resources. It is sorted on a system-defined property (e.g., alphabetically, date saved)
  • Organized - A list of bookmarks that you have organized (e.g., using folders named by subject matter, course).
  • Curated - An organized list of bookmarks that you have enhanced with additional information or metadata (e.g., tags, notes).

Exporting and importing bookmarks

Storing your bookmarks in the cloud

Coming soon!

What's social about bookmarking?

Coming soon!

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