Recording your screen with CaptureSpace Lite

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Fig 1. Select the Screen option

About this article

This article includes an overview of the Screen recording option in CaptureSpace Lite. It is intended for all WSU students and employees.

What's the Screen recording option?

Selecting the Screen recording option (Fig 1) in CaptureSpace Lite will allow you to record all of your computer screen activity, along with your voice if you choose to talk. While you are recording your screen, you can cancel, pause, and end the recording. You can also use drawing tools to annotate the screen. When you end the recording, CaptureSpace Lite allows you to trim the start and finish of the video, chop out segments, and add opening and closing titles. Finally, you can save the recording to the location on your computer that you specified in your recording settings and you can upload the video to your MediaSpace account. Watch the Screen Recording video for an overview of this process.

Canceling, pausing, resuming, and stopping a recording session

During a live recording session, selecting the CaptureSpace Lite icon on the system tray of your PC (Fig 2) or the dock of your Mac opens a small control panel (Fig 3) that includes the following buttons:

  • Cancel: Selecting the Cancel button during a live recording will bring up another window asking whether you really want to cancel the recording without saving it to your computer. Select OK to erase the recording and start over. Select Cancel to resume recording.
  • Pause: Selecting the Pause button during a live recording will stop the recording and change the button label to Resume button. Select Resume to continue recording. You can also press Alt+P on your keyboard to pause and resume a recording.
  • Done: Selecting the Done button saves the recording to the location on your computer that you specified in your recording settings. It then opens up the saved video in the CaptureSpace Lite editor in which you can preview your recording, trim and chop the recording, and add opening and closing titles. You can then select Done or Cancel. Selecting Done opens an Upload Options window that lets you add a title, description, and tags to your recording. You can return to the editor by selecting Preview. Begin uploading the recording by selecting Upload uploads the recording to your MediaSpace account. Selecting Cancel

Using the drawing tools during a recording session

Trimming and chopping a recording

Adding opening and closing titles to a recording

Saving and uploading the recording session

Tips on effective screen recording

  • If you are capturing your entire screen, make sure to close all applications that are unnecessary or that might distract the viewer.
  • Move your mouse a bit slower across the screen than usual. Use your mouse cursor or the drawing tools to focus the viewer's attention on specific areas on the screen.
  • Rather than capturing a lengthy screen recording, consider chunking it up into shorter segments.
Fig 2. Select the CaptureSpace icon
Fig 3. The recording control panel

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