Universal Design/ Captioned Media

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WSU administration, faculty, and staff focusing on utilizing and sharing audio and video content on the web.


Why Captured Media?: George Brown College Video

How Do We Make it Effective?

Continually ask yourself: "What is going to be the most effective?"

Best Practices

  • Purchase captioned media
  • Before technology equipment purchases are made think about compliance
  • Search You Tube for captioned videos only
  • When searching for media look for the following extension ".sub.com" (referencing subheadings)
  • Do it right the first time, caption your media as you are creating it
  • If using a sponsor, make sure they are Described Captioning and Media Production (DCMP)

Take into consideration

Thinking about closed captioning, transcripts, or interpreter:

  • Time delays with syncing of content and script or interpreter


  • Closed Captions: Text can be turned on and off
  • Sub-Titles: Adds both spoken and additional sounds (such as car honking)
  • Audio Description: Information about what is happening in the video is added (such as Chad is walking towards the computer)

Options for Existing Content

Options for Creating Content

For content creation, faculty can utilize the following software:

Camtasia PC

The PC version of Camtasia allows you to take any speech spoken during your video and convert it to text and export this Closed Caption file (i.e. SubRip file captioning format that will have .srt in the file name) to be uploaded to the media server (e.g. MediaSpace or YouTube). The major factor in converting speech to text is quality audio. With recordings that have a high quality microphone that is away from any laptop fans, quite recording space, and two of fewer people speaking are ideal conditions for converting spoken word over to text. These are the videos you will need to learn how to caption and all can be found within the Help menu when using Camtasia.

Camtasia Mac

The Mac version of Camtasia requires manual input of captions. The directions for manually entering your text are found below and also found in the Help menu of Camtasia.


Once you have your media Closed Captioned you will upload this file to your video in MediaSpace. To learn how to add the Closed Captioning file in MediaSpace you can head [here] to learn about steps for up-loading.
