WSU Technology Knowledge Base:Adding Dynamic Page Lists to Articles

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Revision as of 14:39, 2 March 2012 by KGraetz (talk | contribs)
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The DynamicPageList extension allows authors to use categories to automatically generate dynamic bullet lists of links to other wiki articles. This is an easy way to create a "Related Links" section in a wiki article. The lists are dynamic in that they are created each time an article loads and will automatically update depending on the configuration of this list. DP lists differ from SubPageLists or SP lists in that categories, not sub-directories, are used to populate the lists.

  • Unless another ordermethod is specified, DP lists select articles for inclusion based on the date they were added to the category. The most recently added articles are selected. Note that this is not necessarily the same as selecting the most recently created or modified articles. If multiple categories are specified, DP lists select the articles that were most recently added to the first category. This can be changed (e.g., select the most recently created articles) by specifying a different ordermethod.
  • Multiple categories can be specified in

Example 1 - Listing Five of the Most Recently Created Articles in the

Here is a simple example of a DP list that displays This code...

category = D2L
count = 5
order = ascending
addfirstcategorydate = true

...generates this list

No pages meet these criteria.

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