Content in Brightspace Student View

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WSU students in a traditional, blended, online, or ITV environment.


The content tool will probably be one of the most valauble tool you will use in D2L. Instructors use this tool to post all course related materials such as assignments, powerpoints, links to videos or website they want you to view as well as links to other D2L tools.

Finding Course Materials

Materials Content.png

Course Material Overview


1. Course overview will be a description of the course.

2. Bookmarks-This button will allow you to create a bookmark inside your course material so you can return to it later. You can also view upcoming events easily from the Upcoming Events page.

3. Course content is usually organized by modules. You can see all the modules at once by clicking on Table of Content. The numbers to the left of each module will indicate how many pieces of content are in the module. For example there are a total of 20 pieces of content in this course. There are 18 pies under Module 1: Creating Course and Module Level Learning Objectives.

D2L Modules


1. To view content under the module just simply click on the name of the module.

2. You will notice in this example there are several sub-modules for Module 1. Under Fink: Initial Design Phase you will see two pieces of content. One is a Word file while the other is a native text file in D2L. To open files or link just click on the title.

3. At the top you can find information in regards to how many of the topics you have completed.

4. You can close the sub-modules clicking on HideModuleTool.png

Navigating to Other D2L Tools in Content
