Intelligent Hub

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What is Intelligent Hub?

Intelligent Hub is a VMWare application that saves you time and effort by allowing WSU to seamlessly deliver apps and settings to your computer. Intelligent Hub also helps WSU keep an inventory of its leased devices (like your WSU-issued laptop) and can even help in finding computers that were reported as being lost or stolen. You can ensure Intelligent Hub is configured successfully on your device simply by clicking on the Intelligent Hub app icon.


If you see this icon, then that means Intelligent Hub is installed. Clicking the icon will give you more information.


If you click Preferences you can view the settings Intelligent Hub is pushing to your device, get more device info, verify your internet connection is working, and even view the logs of what Intelligent Hub is doing.


Intelligent Hub provides:

  • Security settings
  • Application management
  • Mobile device management
  • Mobile content management

Intelligent Hub fulfills our campus requirement for management of mobile devices.

How do I set up Intelligent Hub on my WSU computer?

Intelligent Hub is configured "out of the box" meaning you do not nee to take any extra steps to set it up. If your Intelligent Hub application is not working correctly it will attempt to self-heal. If you have questions though please contact Technical Support at 507-457-5240 or at

What if I don't have Intelligent Hub on my WSU computer?

Please contact Technical Support at 507-457-5240 or at

Related Information

VMWare Workspace ONE Support Page