Class storage

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Instructors can request that Winona State University Information Technology Services create class storage on a WSU network file server for the duration of an academic term that is only accessible to the instructor and students of that course. A class storage directory includes personal subdirectories for each student and a shared subdirectory that all students can access. Class storage directories are accessible via the Web by the account owner. Students are added to the class storage service automatically based on the official class roster and drops/adds are managed automatically throughout the term.

Request class storage

Class storage can be requested by instructors as their courses become available within Minnesota State's official student record system: ISRS. Upon completion of the request form, the class storage directory will be created within two hours. To request class storage:

  1. Browse to Request a class store
  2. Enter your StarID username and password. Use only your StarID as the username format (e.g., ab1234cd)
  3. Select the Change Term tab to ensure that the correct academic term is selected.
  4. From the Storage Requests tab, select the Create button. All the courses you are scheduled to teach that term will be displayed. If you do not see a course listed, contact your department chair to ensure that you are entered in ISRS as the teacher of record for that course.

Accessing a class store

Class storage is located on a local network file server.

  • On a PC, you connect to it as you would your R: (personal) or S: (department) drives. The class storage will be listed automatically as your T directory or ClassStorage(\\\dfs\Community)((T:). When you are off campus, you will need a VPN connection and will also need to Click to Map Drives in order to see it on your list of locations in File Explorer.
  • On a Mac, select the Go menu of the Finder. Then select Connect to Server. Search for smb://
  • Each class store will be named according to the year/term and the 6 digit Minnesota State ID of that course. Each course will have a 1 GB storage limit. Access to each course will be determined by the class roster.

A TA or tutor can be added to a specific class storage as an instructor to get access. Updated class lists (due to drop/add) will occur once daily by IT until the drop/add period is over.

Mapping Network Drives

Please refer to Local Network Storage when connecting to storage.

Class store is temporary

Your class store will be disabled at the end of the semester. Don't forget to save anything you need from class store to another location.

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