Draft:Hold class meetings outdoors

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Covid-19 icon.png FREQUENT UPDATES: This article contains guidance related to COVID-19 that is subject to change. Check the COVID-19 Response at WSU site for the latest information and direct all questions about this article to TLT (tlt@winona.edu).

This fall, instructors can choose to hold class meetings outdoors by scheduling one of several campus outdoor spaces. In addition to various open spaces, two tented spaces are available for reservation on the Winona campus. Some preparation and planning are required when meeting outdoors.

Reserving outdoor spaces


Existing outdoor spaces

The existing outdoor spaces (capacities) reservable through the Campus Room Scheduling System are:

  • Education Village DHH Lawn
  • Gazebo inside
  • IWC Front Steps Staging
  • IWC Gap Greenspace
  • Phelps Lawn


Two 40x60' outdoor tents, with an approximate capacity of 30 students, are available on the Winona campus to support instruction and events this fall. Although they are reservable by the entire campus community through the Campus Room Scheduling System, faculty are given the first opportunity to reserve them for in-person and hybrid class meetings. Please note that WSU considers the new tents to be outdoor spaces and the current cloth face covering restriction does not apply to events held in the tents. Of course, instructors and event organizers are free to ask students and attendees to wear masks if preferred.

Technology outdoors

Wireless networking

You and your students have access to our campus wireless network from these outdoor locations. Outdoor access points have been added to increase the strength of coverage and handle the anticipated increase in use.

Voice amplification

Contact TLT (tlt@winona.edu) if you require voice amplification in any outdoor location. Portable microphone and speaker systems are available.

Display or projection

If you require an LCD display or data projection in your outdoor meeting, contact TLT (tlt@winona.edu). Ruggedized AV carts with 75-inch displays, as well as data projectors and screens, are available.

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