Draft:Keep Teaching Manual

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This Keep Teaching Manual is intended for instructors preparing fall courses for in-person, hybrid, and online delivery under conditions necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes links to three toolkits corresponding to the three major course delivery modes, as well as links to information, templates, and other resources common to all three. All tools referenced in this manual are available to all Winona State University instructors and students.

Fall course delivery options and toolkits

COVID Toolkit Description
In-person Assuming it can be done safely, a course can be delivered fully in-person if the learning activities require it (e.g., lab work, simulations, performance) or the instructor prefers it to a blended or online alternative.
Hybrid While conducting selected course activities in-person, instructors may choose to reduce the number and size of those in-person meetings and move a portion of their classroom and direct instruction time online.
Online  Online courses either do not have required in-person meetings or require just one or two meetings during the semester. Otherwise, all classroom and direct faculty instruction take place online using synchronous and/or asynchronous methods.

What's a COVID toolkit?

Each course delivery mode has a corresponding toolkit for instructors that includes checklists, guides, sample syllabus statements, and other helpful COVID-related resources. Select the links to the toolkits in the table above. Please direct toolkit questions to TLT (tlt@winona.edu). These are not comprehensive guides for designing and delivering courses. They only include COVID-related guidance to help you prepare for the fall semester.

Additional help

TLT staff are online and ready to help you live from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. From 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm on weekdays and from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays, send an email and we will follow up as soon as possible.

  • Send email to tlt@winona.edu
  • Chat with all TLT staff on Teams
  • Visit our open Zoom session or make an appointment to meet with us online. Find our WSU TLT Virtual Classroom Zoom meeting ID on the Brightspace homepage.

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