Setup Keychain Mac Instructions

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Mac Keychain set up

-On your Mac Laptop with OS X Mavericks 10.9 and later:

• Choose Apple (Apple sign.png) menu > System Preferences, then click iCloud.

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• Select Keychain. If you want to, you can set a passcode to unlock your screen after sleep or after the screen saver begins.

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• Enter your Apple ID and password.

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•Follow the onscreen instructions.

•A passcode will be required for you to enter

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•Or you can also click on the “Advanced…” option to create a longer and with different characters password

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• Next, you will be required to enter a phone number so that the iCloud Keychain can verify your identity when using your iCloud Security Code. You will be sent a confirmation code that will be required each time a new device is linked to your account.

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• To change the passcode or the phone number linked to the account click the “Options…” button.

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• Your iCloud Keychain has now been set.