Adding MediaSpace files to Brightspace discussion posts

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Fig 1. The Insert Stuff button in the Brightspace Editor
Fig 2. Select My Media, pick your file, select Next

About this article

This article includes instructions for including a MediaSpace recording in a Brightspace discussion post. It is intended for all WSU students and employees.


Watch the Brightspace Discussions video for an overview of this process. To add a MediaSpace recording to a Brightspace discussion post:

  1. Open the Brightspace discussion topic and select Start a New Thread or Reply, This will open the Brightspace HTML Editor.
  2. Add a post title
  3. Compose your post by adding text if desired.
  4. Position the cursor where you want to insert the MediaSpace recording and select the Insert Stuff button (Fig 1).
  5. Select My Media (Fig 2) from the Insert Stuff choices on the left (1), select the file you want to insert (2) such that it is highlighted, and select the Next button (3)
  6. Select the Insert button
  7. Add more text to the post if desired
  8. Select the Post button to submit your post

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