Adjust grade visibility in Brightspace
Instructors can choose to adjust grade visibility in Brightspace by restricting student access to grade items, specifying how grades are displayed (e.g., score, percentage, letter grade), and controlling how the final grade is calculated and when it's released.
Teacher versus student grade view
Instructors can view the entire grade book, with all students' grades displayed. Students can view their own grades in a report card format (Fig 1). Instructors control how grades are displayed (e.g., score, percentage, letter grade) in their view of the grade book and on the students' report card independently. For example, an instructor may choose to display the grade item's score and percentage in their grade book, but only the letter grade on their students' report cards. Instructors can also hide grades from students, removing them from the student's report card completely.
Restrict student access to grade items
To adjust the visibility restrictions on any grade item in your grade book, log in to your Brightspace course, Edit the grade item (use the down arrow). Shift to the Restrictions page. Attach or Create appropriate Release Conditions.
Set unique display properties for a single grade item
To override the default display properties for a selected grade item in either the instructor or student view, Edit the grade item (use the down arrow). At the bottom of the Properties page, Show Display Options.
Hide grade book columns
Instructors can hide/show grade book columns (e.g., hide subtotal columns) for their own convenience. This will not affect your students' view of their grades.
From the Manage Grades menu, use the down arrow to select Hide from Users.
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