Classroom standards

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This article lists the standard features of all WSU centrally-scheduled classrooms. It is intended for any member of the campus community interested in learning more about campus learning spaces.

Basic Instructional Needs and Requirements

Although there is considerable variation across courses and instructors, every WSU classroom should support a common set of basic instructional needs and requirements:

  • All classrooms should afford all occupants with continuous, reliable, and high-speed campus network and Internet access.
  • All classrooms should include work surfaces that allow students to use mobile computing devices (e.g., laptops, tablets) comfortably.
  • All instructors should be able to project their mobile computing device screen such that it can be easily viewed from any seat in the classroom.
  • All classrooms should be equipped with a video control system that allows instructors to easily switch among various projection inputs.
  • All classrooms should have a working telephone that is easily accessible by both instructors and students.

Current Classroom Standards

To meet these needs and requirements, all classrooms include the following standards:

  • All media transport is based on CAT 5 or CAT 6, supporting up to 1080i/p resolution, digital audio with up to 2 microphone channels, stereo playback, and an integrated amplifier and control system
  • Modular or hot-swappable projection with a minimum of 3000 lumens and 1024x768 resolution. All standardized classrooms include simple on/off input switching and volume control through a useable Crestron Quick Media system.
  • Reliable, wireless network access that covers the entire space and meets or exceeds capacity.
  • Wired network access for instructor use.
  • A phone

What's Not Standard?

There are several notable classroom features that are not considered standard. Some rooms have these features and some do not. Some features are being phased out as various technologies become obsolete. Others are being phased in and will become standard features of all classrooms eventually. Finally, some features will be maintained at a set level, but are simply limited to certain, special rooms.

Being Phased Out

  • VCR/CD/DVD/Blueray players - Most faculty laptops support CD/DVD playback and online video streaming. Only under special circumstances (e.g., film appreciation courses) will TLT continue to support VCR/CD/DVD/Blueray players in classrooms. Direct any questions about converting to digital media and/or supporting these formats to TLT.
  • Overhead projectors - Acetate transparencies and overhead projectors are no longer considered standard classroom equipment. They are quickly being replaced by data projectors and digital ink (e.g., on laptops and tablet devices). If you still require an overhead projector or are interested in receiving training on the use of data projectors and/or digital ink, please contact TLT.
  • Chalkboards. As TLT and Facilities Services remodels classrooms, we are replacing chalkboards with cleaner, safer alternatives, including dry-erase and interactive whiteboards.
  • Electrical power and wired network access at every student's seat - As the devices that students bring to class become more mobile, battery life gets longer, and wireless service improves, it becomes no longer be necessary to configure every classroom with power and wired data access to every student's seat. This greatly reduces the cost of room remodeling and maintenance and increases the potential flexibility of the space. It does require that students come to class with adequate battery power and can recharge their devices if necessary.

Being Phased In

  • HD display
  • HDMI connection to projector/display
  • Wireless connection to projector
  • Digital ink

Limited to Special Rooms

  • ITV videoconferencing - ITV service is limited to a small set of classrooms and meeting rooms on both the Winona and Rochester campuses.
  • Fixed-camera recording of live events