Course Administration in Brightspace - Importing Content

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Intended Audience

WSU instructors using Brightspace or those interested in using this learning management system in the future.


Content, quizzes, surveys, and question libraries (and more) can be imported into Brightspace.


Figure 1. Course Import

To import content into D2L:

  • Enter D2L, select Course Admin from the navigation bar.
  • Select the Import/Export/Copy Components
  • Select Import Components either from the D2L Learning Object Repository (LOR) or a course package. If importing zipped content, "Browse" for a file before proceeding.
  • Select Import All Components or select Advanced Options to import select content.
  • The final message will confirm if the import was successful

To preview the content imported, select the link on the navigation bar in which the content was imported to. For example, if a survey was imported, select survey from the top navigation tool bar. The survey should be listed with the same title and components as the survey imported.