Draft:DLC Fall 2016 Class Projects/Amy Hermodson (CMST 485)

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Class Location, Days and Times

  • CMST 485
  • Where: PAC 224
  • When: Thursday, 10/06/16
  • Time: 11:00 am - 12:20

Project Details

CMST 485: Senior Seminar is a capstone course where students are preparing for graduation, job search, and graduate school preparation. In this session we identified professional goals and key words that describe their experience and skills. Students then created a Linkedin Profile, documented educational experince, work experinces, and key words that described best their skills.


What We Will Cover

  • Profile Privacy & Settings
  • Education
    • Accuracy
      • Dates
      • Degrees
    • Recommendations
  • Build out work experience
    • What you did, what changes you made, and how did that work?
    • Don't forget student work
      • Group Projects
      • Assignments
  • Internships and Practicums
  • Build out skills you have
    • Certificates for Lynda.com
    • Volunteer work
    • Event Planning
  • Skills & Endorsements
    • List what you know to be true
    • List the software and hardware you work with
    • What people have said about you
  • Projects
    • Show how this tool works
    • What you can link to so that this serves as an ePortfolio
  • Image constancy
  • Show teeth
  • Check settings of this profile photo


Lynda.com resources page for Linkedin.com was emailed prior to class session.