Draft:DLC Spring 2014 Class Projects/Kim Bates
Class Location, Days and Times
Maxwell 229 BIOL 445 -01
Project Details
- Use the software Inspiration to create concept maps
- Will try to use "projection" instead of printing these out
Step 1: Install Inspiration
- Follow the information provided for Installing Inspiration
- Note: Inspiration is a "key server" software. Therefore off campus you will need to use Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client prior to using Inspiration
Step 2: Create Mind Map
Step 3: Connect with your Group Members
Dr. Bates will set up an Adobe Connect virtual meeting room for the group projects. Adobe Connect is a virtual conferencing tool which will allow meeting participants and presenters to share their screen, chat, video and audio conference, and use interactive whiteboards as well as other features. Using Adobe Connect students will be able to meet with their group to work on their project without having to email the document back and forth to their group members.
To prepare for using Adobe Connect, please review the following information:
- Learn about Adobe Connect: This wiki page has been created for WSU students and serves as a checklist of features you will use in an Adobe Connect room.
- You Tube Tutorial : This 9 minute video tutorial is for hosts, presenters, and participants. The first 1:20 of the video is geared for hosts, so if you are participating in the Connect room you can move past that segment of the tutorial.
- Click Here to install the add-in and prepare your computer prior to your first Adobe Connect Meeting.
Dr. Bates will share with you the URL for the meeting one was it has been created. It is recommended to use earbuds or a headset when meeting in the Connect room.
HINT: To allow others in your group to view your screen (or your Inspiration document) follow one of the two options:
- Option A
- From the Share pod: Select Share > My Computer Screen > Desktop
- Option B
- From the Share pod: Select Share > My Computer Screen > Applications This option only works if open the Inspiration document prior to starting the screen sharing process.
Step 4: Project Presentation
- A new feature of Inspiration 9.0 is exporting to a presentation or taking a snapshot for a presentation. These features allow you to capture specific segments of your mind map and organize the segments for a presentation.
- Chad Kjorlien will lead this project
- Eric Ling will be the contact for students
- Eric Ling will be in charge of Wiki information