Draft:Edit Brightspace content topics

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Fig 1. Select Bulk Edit from the module More Actions menu
Fig 2. Select the property
Fig 3. Edit topic restrictions
Fig 4. Edit properties of a single topic
Fig 5. Select a learning objective

About this article

This article demonstrates how to edit common properties of content topics in a Brightspace course.

What are topic properties?

Every topic in a D2L table of contents (TOC) has a number of common properties or features that can be changed to meet instructional needs. They include:

  • Title. A topic has a title that is displayed as a link in the TOC. Topic titles can include spaces and can be as long as required.
  • Description. This is an optional property. Instructors can use the D2L editor to add descriptions to topics. These descriptions can include text, images, and other elements.
  • Publish status. A topic can either be in published or draft status. By default, topics are set to published status when created. Switching to draft status allows instructors to edit a topic over multiple sessions without students seeing the changes until the status is switched back to published.
  • Restrictions. This is an optional property. Student access to topics can be restricted by adding a start date, end date, due date, and/or release conditions.
  • Completion status. A topic can be in either in Required: Automatic, Required: Manual, or Not Required status. By default, topics are set to Required: Automatice. Switching to manual would allow students to indicate when they were finished with a topic and selecting Not Required disables progress tracking for that topic.
  • Learning objectives. If you are using the D2L Competencies Tool, topics can be associated with learning objectives.

Editing topic properties using Bulk Edit

The Bulk Edit feature is a quick way to change certain topic properties from the content region of the TOC, without having to open the topic. It's also a good way to edit the properties of multiple topics quickly. For all instructions below, first navigate to a D2L course and select Content from the Materials menu. This will take you to the Content Tool. Then, select from the sidebar region the module or sub-module that contains the topics you want to edit. Finally, select Bulk Edit (Figure 1).

Editing the topic title

  1. Select the title of the topic (Figure 2).
  2. Change the title and select Enter on your keyboard to save it.

Editing restrictions

  1. Select Add restrictions.... If you have already added a restriction (e.g., start date), select that restriction (Figure 2).
  2. Enter/edit the start date, end date, due date, and/or release conditions (Figure 3).
  3. Select the Update button to save.

Editing the topic description

  1. Select Add a description... (Figure 2). If editing an existing description, just select the description.
  2. Use the editor to create/edit the description.
  3. Select the Update button to save.

Changing completion status

  1. Select Required: Automatic (or the currently active method) to open the status list.
  2. Select another status setting. This will close the list and apply that setting to the topic.

Switching between published and draft mode

  1. Select either Published or Draft (this will differ depending on the current mode; Figure 2).
  2. Select your preferred choice from the list. This will close the list and switch to that mode.

Deleting a topic

  1. Select trash can icon.
  2. WARNING: The topic link will be deleted from the TOC immediately.

Opening a web link as an external resource

  1. Select the Open as External Resource checkbox to specify that the site open in a new window or tab.
  2. Note that student progress is not tracked if the site is opened in a new window.

Editing a single topic

Select Edit Properties in Place from the topic's action menu (Figure 4).

Editing topic properties from the topic view

If you select a topic or pick View Topic from the topic's action menu, you can edit all of the properties listed in the Bulk Edit instructions above, plus the learning objectives associated with that topic. For all instructions below, first navigate to a D2L course and select Content from the Materials menu. This will take you to the Content Tool. Then, select from the sidebar region the module or sub-module that contain the topic you want to edit. Finally, select the topic or select View Topic from the topic's action menu to open up the topic view page.

Add learning objectives

  1. Select the Learning Objectives heading to expand it if it isn't expanded already
  2. Select the Add Learning Objective button
  3. Expand one of the available competency structures by selecting the "+". Note that you can also search from among all available learning ojectives by selecting the Search tab.
  4. Place a check in the checkbox preceding the desired learning objective (Figure 5)
  5. Select the Add Selected button.

More information

  • Selecting the delete (trash can) icon in bulk edit mode will immediately delete the topic from the TOC. You will not be asked to confirm your choice.
  • Deleting a topic by using the trash can icon in bulk edit mode does not delete the file or activity to which that topic is linked. It only deletes the topic entry in the TOC. If you select Delete from the topic's action menu, you will be asked whether you want to delete and associated file or activity.

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