Draft:Office 365 News Feed

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WSU & Office 365
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This article is part of the

Office 365 Guide

What is News Feed?

  • A part of the compilation package that is Office 365.
  • Allows you, the user, to keep tract of topics, schedules, other users, and conversations all on one webpage!
  • Also links to other Office 365 capabilities like your own personal Blog or web apps you are using.

Where is your News Feed?

  • News Feed is a tab that is located in the top right section of the Office 365 website next to OneDrive and People.
  • The image below shows the interface for the News Feed webpage


News Feed Interface

1. Link back to your News Feed homepage.
2. About Me allows to customize your Office 365 profile.
3. Blog is your own personal blogger which you can post anything from project portfolios to #tags that you like/follow.
4. Apps are software that you can integrate into your blog or a site that you are a part of.
5. Tasks is where you can structure your schedule with a planner and synchronize with social networks.
6. Edit Links allows you to add/remove any URL website that you would like to add to your News Feed Homepage.

In Depth


About Me

  • You are able to add in as much detail to create a representable profile.


  • Basic Info
    • Picture
    • Synopsis
  • Contact Info
    • Phone number
    • Office location
    • Assistant info
  • Details
    • Previous work
    • Skills
    • Education
    • Birthday
    • Interests
  • Newsfeed Settings
    • Follow specific #tags
    • Notifications
    • Updates on activities
    • Public access to who you are following
  • Language & Religion
    • Time zone
    • Calendar


  • Personal Blog page supported through your Office 365 account.
  • Able to edit and make changes to the webpage itself as well!


  • Sharepoint editing capabilities
    • Allows you to insert and move widgets as well as other properties of the page.


  • Blog Tools
  • Events
  • Ideas
  • Opinions
  • Add
  • Archives
  • Alert Preferences



  • Access to the Office 365 App store
  • Workflow
    • SharePoint workflows are pre-programmed mini-applications that streamline and automate a wide variety of business processes — from collecting signatures, feedback, or approvals for a plan or document, to tracking the current status of a routine procedure. SharePoint workflows are designed to save you time and effort, and to bring consistency and efficiency to tasks that you perform on a regular basis.
    • Use Share Point Designer to make a Workflow from scratch
    • Using Desktop Apps with Office 365 – Syncing Sharepoint with your software package
    • Uploading documents using OneDrive



  • Planner
  • Timeline
    • Important and Upcoming
    • Active tasks
    • Completed tasks
  • Mobile capability
  • You are able to categorize tasks
  • This webpage allows for Sharepoint editing to customize the look