Draft:Windows 10 Survival Guide

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Student Survival Guide
This article is part of the

Student Survival Guide Series


What is Windows 10?

Windows 10 is the newest Microsoft operating system. It introduces cool, new changes to the operating system's platform, primarily focused towards improving its experience on mobile devices such as tablets to rival other mobile operating systems (such as Android and iOS.)

Searching in Windows 10

  • Windows + S brings up a Search experience designed to help you find things more quickly from any application.
  • If you are on the Start menu/Windows Metro all you have to do is start typing. The Search box will appear on the left of your screen.


What's New in Windows 10?

  • Windows 10 has added new features to give you the best experience - Windows comparisons.
  • Start menu allows you to see all your contents and get live updates and Organizing your start menu - Start menu.
  • Learn how to create multiple desktops. From the link click on Stay organized and select Create Multiple Desktops.
  • Accessing your Settings from Action Center
  • Managing Wi Fi .
  • Accessing to Brightness,Tablet mode,Bluetooth from Action Center.
  • Use your PC like a tablet.
  • How to pin/unpin programs to task-bar Start Screen Tutorial.
  • Setting things up.
  • Accessing the store and downloading/purchasing apps requires creation of/signing in with a personal Microsoft account and linking that account to the laptop.
  • Deleting items is relatively easy – saved to either the desktop or a folder, items can be moved to the trash by selecting the item and pressing the delete key.

More support on Windows.com

External Resources