EPortfolio Student View

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WSU students in a traditional, blended, online, or ITV learning environments.


The Bightspace ePortfolio is an electronic storage space where students can submit documents, presentations, and other artifacts assigned in classes or for co-curricular activities and share this content in a variety of ways with others outside of class along with professor feedback and grades.

How do I navigate the ePortfolio?

The following video provides an overview of the ePortfolio tool found in Brightspace. This video is important to view first as it covers the many different ways you can use your ePortfolio.

Adding Artifacts to an ePortfolio?

Adding items (i.e. Artifacts) into your ePortfolio is the basic function you will need to know when using this tool in Brightspace. This video shows how to add artifacts (e.g. Reflections, Links, Files, Web documents, Audio recordings, Form responses, Course results, and Learning objectives) into your ePortfolio via the My Items tool found within the ePortfolio.

Sharing items in an ePortfolio

There are many ways to share Artifacts, Collections, Reflections, Presentations, and Learning Objectives from your ePortfolio with individual users, Sharing Groups, and Course or Department Groups. The following video shows you how to share your content with individual users.

Another way to share is to build a Sharing Group within the ePortfolio tool. In this video, you will learn how to create, select users, and set the sharing settings.

Adding and Organizing Artifacts into Collections?

Adding Artifacts can become an unorganized list of content. The Collection tool allows you to organize content in helpful packages.

How do I use Tags to curate items in your collections?

Tags are a great way to keep content organized over time. The Tag list can be used to track classes (e.g. Eng 111, Cmst 191, etc.) or by topic (e.g. Theory X, Concept Y, or things I am proud of) to curate disparate items into ePortfolio Collection.

How do I create Presentations from my ePortfolio?

You can compile works in your ePortfolio into a Presentation that can be used for speeches, but you should think of the Presentation option as much more like a web page. The Presentation will allow you to organize content, build navigation to each item, and select a theme for your presentation. In this video, you will learn how to add content to a Presentation, manage the layout, and how to select themes.

Making Collections Accessible to others for Assessments

While there are a variety of ways to share your content this video covers the basics sharing a Collection with others so they can provide feedback and assessments of your content.

Assess items Shared with you

You are able to assess others ePortfolio items and provide feedback. This video walks you through the process of accessing and providing the different forms of feedback you may be asked to provide on your peer's works.