Employee Laptop Agreement

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Winona State University

A laptop computer is being provided to you as an employee of Winona State University. This computer is not your personal property, but the property of the University. In an effort to maintain updated technology on campus, this laptop will be replaced every two to three years. Laptop distribution and training is provided to you through the WSU Teaching and Learning Technology Center located in Maxwell Hall. Technical Support is provided through the Technical Support Center located in Somsen Hall 207.

I confirm that I have received my laptop and agree to the following:

  1. I will not transfer responsibility for this computer to another person nor allow another person to use this computer under my user id and password, including family members.
  2. I will return the laptop immediately to the Technical Support Center (Somsen 207) once I am no longer employed by the University.
  3. I will exchange my laptop when it is due to be refreshed.
  4. I will accept responsibility for the laptop if it is damaged, lost or stolen.
  5. I will abide by all University policies regarding information security.

I will abide by all Federal and State guidelines regarding information technology, including the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities “Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology” policy.

Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Policy