Exporting and importing your ePortfolio

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Intended Audience

WSU instructors currently using Brightspace and interested in using electronic portfolios in their Brightspace courses.


This article describes the steps involved in using the Brightspace ePortfolio tool to export your portfolio from Brightspace.

ePortfolio is a personal portfolio tool for storing, organizing, reflecting on, and sharing items that represent your learning. You can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, course work, etc. that demonstrate your improvement or mastery in a certain area. You decide what items you want to include in your ePortfolio, how you want to organize them, and who you want to share them with.

You can create:

  • Artifacts (individual items)
  • Collections (groups of related items)
  • Reflections (thoughts about your learning)
  • Presentations (web projects showcasing your items and achievements)
  • Learning objectives (plans for specific learning outcomes)

You can share items with others by giving them permission to:

  • View an item
  • Comment on an item
  • View comments from others
  • Assess an item
  • View assessments from others
  • Edit an item

Exporting the ePortfolio

To export your ePortfolio from Brightspace, follow these steps:

  1. Click in ePortfolio in the navbar.
  2. Click on the My Items tab.
  3. Select More Actions.
  4. On the More Actions menu, select Go to Import / Export page.
  5. Select Export.
  6. Choose between All Items and Selected Items to choose which items to export.
    • If you choose All Items, you are presented a list of all items and you may unselect individuals by clicking the x after the item name. Click Export to export the items.
    • If you choose Selected Items, click Add Items, select the individual items you want to include, and click Add.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Click on then name of the .zip file to download the compressed file to your computer.

If you would like more information on how the Brightspace ePortfolio tool can be used to create and curate electronic portfolios, refer to More Information below.

Importing the ePortfolio into myDesire2Learn

D2L supports a website, myDesire2Learn.com, to which you can import your ePortfolio and make it public to whomever you desire. Here are the steps to do that operation:

  1. Go to https://www.mydesire2learn.com/d2l/ed/cns/ca/serviceAgreement to register with myDesire2Learn.com.
  2. Follow the registration steps to create your account.
  3. To upload your exported ePortfolio content,
    • Click on My Items.
    • Click on More Actions.
    • Select Go to Import / /Export page from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on Import.
  5. Click Choose File and select the .zip file you created during the export process described above.
  6. Click Next.
  7. You will be presented with the Import Preview. If there are any items you exported you no longer want to import, click the x after the item name. Click Import to import the content.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Click on My Items. All of your imported items should appear.

If you would like more information on how the Brightspace ePortfolio tool can be used to create and curate electronic portfolios, refer to More Information below.

More Information

Brightspace ePortfolio Instructor Guide

There are a step-by-step instructions on how to use the ePortfolio tool in the Brightspace ePortfolio Instructor Gide.

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