How to distribute a survey that a student has prepared

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Students are allowed to create surveys but they cannot activate or distribute surveys. The student will need to work with the faculty member to distribute their survey.

Steps that the faculty member and student will need to go through:

  1. The student creates a survey
  2. The student Collaborates on the survey with faculty member.
    1. On the Collaborate menu, check the box for Copy so the faculty member will be able to make a copy of the survey.
  3. The faculty member will see the survey in their list of available surveys under Shared Surveys.
  4. Faculty member then needs to make a copy of the survey the student just Shared with them.
  5. Now on the newly Copied survey – the faculty member will be able to activate and distribute the survey.
  6. For the student to see the results of this survey, the faculty member will now need to Collaborate back to the student.
  7. On the Collaborate menu, check the box for ViewResults, and Edit if you want.
    1. Note: You will see Activate/Deactive and Distribute checkboxes, but the students do not have these rights so checking the boxes will not give it to them.