Papercut Mobility Print for IOS

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1. Go to

MobilityPrint IOS1.png

2. Click on “Download”

MobilityPrint IOS2.png

MobilityPrint IOS3.png

3. Open the settings app and select “Profile Downloaded”

MobilityPrint IOS4.jpg

4. Tap “Install” on the top right corner.

MobilityPrint IOS5.jpg

Then select “PaperCut Mobility Print of IOS”

MobilityPrint IOS6.jpg

Select “Install"

MobilityPrint IOS7.jpg

5. The Papercut Print has been downloaded. Open project to print.

MobilityPrint IOS8.png

6. Select “FollowMePrint”

MobilityPrint IOS9.png

7. Put your STARID as the username and your STARID password as the password.

MobilityPrint IOS10.png

8. The print job has been added to the FollowMePrint queue.

MobilityPrint IOS11.png

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