Paste a shared MediaSpace file link to a Brightspace assignment folder

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About this article

This article includes instructions for uploading video and audio files to your MediaSpace account using the Media Upload tool. It is intended for WSU students and employees.

What's the Media Upload tool?

The Media Upload tool in MediaSpace allows you to upload video and audio files, stored on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, to your MediaSpace account. Once the upload is complete, a copy of that file will reside in your MediaSpace online storage and will be accessible from your My Media page. You can then share that file link to a Brightspace Assignment Submission Folders and the following directions explain this process.

Sharing a MediaSpace file Link to a Brightspace Assignment Submission Folders

When you upload media to your MediaSpace account, you had the option to select one of three file-sharing permission settings (see described in the section below) and for this process, you will need to have the video set to ether Unlisted or Published. It is recommended for most situations that these are set to Unlisted.

Get link to video

  1. Click on your name in MediaSpace and choose the My Media option.
  2. Choose the video from this list by clicking on the title of your video.
  3. Below the window of your video will be a tab called Share (see clip below A).
  4. The Link to Media Page will appear by default and you can copy the link to your video (B). You can now post this link wherever you wish to share and people will be taken to Mediaspace and allowed to play this content back.
  5. If you want to alter start or end playback a custom link will appear after checking the boxes (C) for the desired playback preferences in the Link to Media Page box (B).
Share Videos.JPG

Sharing link in Birghtspace Assignment Submission Folder

  1. Go to the Assessments menu in the Brightspace course you would like to post your link to the video and choose the Assignment Submission Folder you would like to post your video link to.
  2. Within the Assignment Submission Folder, paste the link in theText Submission Box (see clip below) and click the Save button.


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