Role switching in Brightspace

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Intended Audience

WSU instructors using Brightspace or those interested in using Brightspace in the future.

About this article

This article demonstrates how to view a Brightspace course table of contents from a student's perspective. It describes the Manage Content feature of the Brightspace Content Tool, used to organize and manage existing files in a Brightspace course.

Figure 1. Role Change
Figure 2. New Role

Switching Brightspace roles

  1. On the course home page, click on your Profile (image and name) in the top right corner (Figure 1).
  2. Select View as Student. Your profile will change to indicate this role change (Figure 2).

You will now see Brightspace courses from the student's perspective. (Note: In certain areas of the course, like the Grades, you will not see a student version of the grades as you have no grades in the gradebook.)

To return to the instructor view, repeat the process and click the X next to View as Student.

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