Scheduling co-curricular events

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About this article

This article provides an overview of the steps involved in scheduling and tracking attendance in campus events that have been approved for inclusion on students' co-curricular transcript. It is intended for any member of the campus community.

What's a co-curricular event?

A co-curricular event is one that has been approved for inclusion on a student's co-curricular transcript as part of a co-curricular experience. To be considered for inclusion, campus events must fit under one of the following four categories and support the learning outcomes defined by the WSU ImPAAct Committee

  • Digital citizenship
  • Civic engagement
  • Leadership development
  • Intercultural competency

Register your event as co-curricular

Submit a request to OneStop, WSU Marketing and Communication's online help desk. Select Promote an Event to open the Promote Event/Series request form. Under, Is this a co-curricular event?, assign a content category (e.g., Community and Civic Engagement, Digital Citizenship) to the event. Your request will then be reviewed and you will receive an email confirmation. Once the event has been approved, it will be posted to the online WSU Events Calendar and to WSU Connect, our campus event and engagement app.

Take attendance

For students to get credit for participating in a co-curricular event, organizers must record student attendance and submit that data to the Registrar's Office.

Paper-and-pencil signup sheet

Event organizers can gather a list of student attendee names, email addresses, and StarID usernames and submit that list to the Registrar's Office following the event. The list will then be entered into the co-curricular transcript system by Registrar's Office staff. Feel free to use this Co-curricular Attendance Form template.

Student ID card scanner

iPads equipped with ID card readers can be checked out at the front desk of the Darrell W. Krueger Library. Organizers can use these iPads just prior to the event to swipe student ID cards. The digital attendance list will then be sent to the Registrar's Office for entry into the co-curricular transcript. For more information:

WSU Connect QR code

WSU Connect is a mobile, phone-based app that all members of the campus community can use to find and engage in campus events. It is quickly becoming the primary way that WSU students organize their campus schedule. Event organizers can provided with a QR code that can be displayed at the event. Students can then use the QR code reader in the WSU Connect app to check in to the event. For more information:

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