Setting up WSU Wireless on an iPad

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Mobile Devices
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This article is part of the

WSU Tablet Series

Setting up your iPad on the WSU Network

1. Tap settings on the iPad home-screen.

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2. In Settings, tap "Wi-Fi".

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3. Turn on Wi-Fi, and tap "warrior".

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4. Fill in the following settings. Type in your StarID in place for username and your StarID password:

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5. Tap "Join".

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6. Tap "Dismiss".

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7. When prompted with the Certificate Screen, tap "Trust".

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8. Done! Be sure to check the Wi-Fi signal indicators for proper connection to the network.

  • Wi-Fi will automatically connect when the campus network is available, turn Wi-Fi off to disable it.

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Repeat steps 1 - 8 if no connection establishes.

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