Student Mobile Device Exchange Support

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Student Survival Guide
This article is part of the

Student Survival Guide Series



Welcome! This information is intended for Winona State students that will be exchanging their mobile devices.

Basic Information

Basic overview

What do I need to do before I come in to exchange my mobile devices

  1. You will receive an email when it is time for you to come in to exchange your mobile devices. Sign up for an exchange session at that time.
  2. Backup all of the information (files, music, pictures) that you wish to keep. This will NOT be done for you at the exchange.
    1. Backup to a CD, external hard drive or cloud storage. All WSU students have OneDrive for Business cloud storage if you wish to use it.
  3. Bring your laptop, tablet and power cords with you when you come in to exchange.

Your Student Mobile Device Agreement

Important Info