Talk:In-person Toolkit

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--Ken Graetz (talk) 18:22, 18 July 2020 (CST) Removed this - may use it later


In-person Blended or Mostly Online Fully Online
Inform students of format decision Inform students of format decision Inform students of format decision
Identify students who need accommodation Identify students who need accommodation Identify students who need accommodation
Recognize COVID-19 symptoms  Recognize COVID-19 symptoms  Complete preliminary course redesign
Describe public health practices clearly   Describe public health practices clearly   Inform students of meeting details
Identify location for in-person meetings    Identify location for in-person meetings    Complete course redesign
Develop physical distancing plan    Complete preliminary course redesign   
Develop contact tracing plan    Develop physical distancing plan    
Inform students of meeting details    Develop contact tracing plan     
    Inform students of meeting details      
    Complete course redesign