Draft:Using WSU Connect to track event attendance

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About this article

This article includes a description of how to use the WSU Connect event and engagement app to track attendance at campus events. It is intended for any member of the campus community.


WSU Connect is WSU's event and engagement app. It can be used to track event attendance in the following ways:

  • QR Code - A unique QR code can be assigned to your event. The QR code can then be displayed at your event (e.g., outside the door or on screen) and attendees can use the WSU Connect app on their phones to scan the code. Note that this method requires attendees to have WSU Connect installed and activated on their phones prior to the event.
  • Campus ID Card Scan: You can check out a specially-configured iPad, outfitted with a WSU campus ID scanner. The third is to have an event worker utilize the related “CheckIn” app to either:

a. Swipe the student’s WSU ID Card orbned b. Enter/search the student’s e-mail address

the three methods for using BYODWSU wireless network option for connecting some personal devices to the Internet from WSU residence halls. It is intended for all students living in campus residence halls. There are 3 ways to track attendance via Involvio. Request the creation of a QR code for the Involvio event. Print the QR code and have attendees scan it when they attend the event. This option requires attendees to have the Involvio app installed on their device and have the ability to scan QR codes. Scan the QR code for the location. Involvio allows us to create QR codes for locations on campus. The code is related to the location and attendees would scan it and Involvio would determine that there was an event occurring during the date/time the attendee scanned and then associate that user with the event. We do not currently create QR codes for every location on campus, but for now we can do this on a case-by-case basis. This option also requires the Involvio app to be installed on the users device. Check out from the library an iPad device with an attached Involvio card swipe/scanner. Attendees swipe their ID and Involvio captures their attendance. Requires users to have an ID and associated account in Involvio. We currently load all students, faculty, and staff into Involvio.

Another thing to note, is that when the event is over, a request would need to be made to get the list of attendees to the event. This would be in the form of a CSV file.

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