WSU Online Course Re/Design Checklist

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This tool can be used as a road map for designing new courses, a guide for revising existing courses, or as a rubric for a formal course review. It was created specifically for WSU with guidance from faculty and TLT staff and is available at no cost to WSU faculty. This tool has been adapted in part from Quality Matters (7th edition) and OSCQR-Suny Online Course Quality Review Rubric, among other sources.

OCDC Logos
OCDC Logos

This resource has several advantages over other available tools, including the flexibility to adapt to change in federal regulations, D2L Brightspace changes, and learner needs. Specifically, it:

  • is specific to WSU, including institutional-specific policies and resources. Throughout the tool, links are provided to policies and resources.
  • includes required Regular & Substantive Interaction elements. Based on the 2021 Department of Education regulations, online courses must meet these new requirements.
  • addresses Universal Design for Learning. UDL is a framework focused on “improving and optimizing teaching and learning for all people”. Elements include stimulating interest among learners, presenting content in meaningful ways, and allowing learners to express their learning best.
  • includes elements of Inclusive Teaching. Inclusive teaching aims to make all learners feel welcomed and valued in class.

This resource is structured into four categories, each with subcategories: organization and structure, accessibility, media, and student learning.

Organization & Structure

The elements in this section address the overall design of the course.

Introduction & General Information

The syllabus and course schedule are easily found.

An easily found syllabus and schedule are essential for learners to stay on track throughout the course. A course syllabus should be shared within the first week of the course, per WSU Policy 3-29.


  • Include a “Module 0” or “Course Information” module that includes this information
  • Include this information as a pinned announcement
  • Use a custom widget on the Brightspace homepage
  • Include a schedule within in the syllabus document
  • Email learners this information at the start of the course

Instructor contact information is easily found, including office hours (and location and/or link).

This information opens the door for communication by the learner. Open communication supports learner-instructor interaction and is a key element of social presence. This might include preferred methods of communication, links for Zoom meetings, and office location.


  • Include this information as a pinned announcement
  • Use a custom widget on the Brightspace homepage
  • Include a statement in the syllabus document
  • Email learners this information at the start of the course
  • Additional information to include: preferred name, policy on response time
  • Use Brightspace profile
  • Keep information up-to-date

Clear instructions are provided on how to begin the course.

Without physically seeing the learners on the first day of class, they will need directions on how to get started in this course. Enough guidance will help learners ensure success.


  • Use visual cues and basic notations (ex: image of “Start Here”) to help learners find their way
  • Include a welcome video, including a visual of the instructor (video, still image, avatar, or meaningful image)
  • Include a video navigation/tour of the course
  • Include a quick guide of due dates and FAQs
  • Allow learners to practice required activities (ex: syllabus quiz or introduction discussion forum)
  • Hold extra office hours during the first week

Course Organization

Organization is consistent, logical, functional, and uncluttered.

The course should be designed such that learners can easily navigate the content. Consistency in layout and delivery is a critical component of this, including consistent color schemes, page design, layout, and language. This allows learners to anticipate where to find information and how to use it. Disorganization contributes to learner confusion and poor learning experiences.


  • Create a logical course structure that includes learning materials in the order that they will be used
  • Used consistent language in the naming of items (ex: “Chapter 1 Video” and “Chapter 1 Quiz” instead of “Chapter 1 Video” and “Module 1 Quiz”)
  • Use Brightspace modules and sub-modules
  • Use common graphic icons
  • Create a design checklist (fonts, colors, styles, naming conventions) for future use

Course items are clearly labeled.

Learners should be able to know what they are opening before they open an item. Labeling assists in this.


  • Use a consistent naming convention
  • Include “PPT” or “video” or “quiz” in item titles or descriptions
  • Use common graphic icons to identify items

Content modules are sequential.

Learners should be able to navigate through the course easily. By clearly and intuitively sequencing modules (and items within modules) learners can anticipate how and where to find materials.


  • Create a design checklist for yourself to ensure consistency
  • List items in the order they will be used

Content modules include a task (to-do) list.

Providing a task list helps learners guide themselves through the course. This will enhance learners’ time management and successful completing of coursework. This task list also may reduce anxiety and stress among learners.


  • Use a Brightspace HTML templates
  • Include both learning and assessment items in list
  • Include direct links to items within the list
  • Include a time estimate for completion

Course is organized to reduce scrolling and clicking.

Research shows that learners are unlikely to scroll past 2 “screenfuls” and more than half of their time is spent on the first page alone. Reducing the amount of scrolling will increase the amount of content learners will view. Reducing the number of clicks to get to content will also reduce the chances a learner gets lost.


  • Place the most important content at the top of the page
  • Use hyperlinks to direct students
  • Use submodules to organize content

Information is chunked into manageable pieces.

Smaller amounts (“chunks”) of content enable learners to better process information. Too much content without enough white space increases cognitive load.


  • Add an “optional” submodule for recommended (but not required) content
  • Review content and add breaks where needed
  • Remove unnecessary visuals or links
  • View your page from a distance – is there enough white space? Does it look cluttered?

Brightspace files (HTML) are used rather than uploaded external documents when able.

There are several advantages of HTML over other file formats: HTML is compatible with all web browsers, HTML files are smaller in size (download faster, take up less storage space), HTML files can easily be made accessible, and HTML can include interactive elements.


  • Use the Brightspace templates
  • Revise uploaded files a few at a time to HTML

All due dates are noted in the Brightspace calendar.

By providing all due dates and using the Brightspace calendar, learners will be able to plan for the semester and better manage their time.


  • Add a one-page summary of due dates
  • Utilize the Brightspace calendar
  • Use the “add to calendar” option for quizzes, discussions, and assignments


There are no broken links.

The internet is always changing and links that work today may not tomorrow. Before you open a course or module, double-check that all links are working.


  • Establish a regular routine of checking links
  • Use “student view” to check links
  • Ask learners to let you know about broken links

A list of required and/or recommended technology tools and competencies is provided.

By providing learners with a complete list of prerequisite skills and required technology tools, instructors can ensure learners are starting on the right foot. These include hardware (webcam, VR headset, microphone, etc) and software (Adobe, media play, Office 365, Brightspace, Respondus, etc), as well as basic skills (spreadsheets, Zoom, word processing, digital literacy, etc).


  • Include a list of technologies (apps, hardware, software, etc) needed
  • Indicate which technologies are built into the WSU-provided laptop
  • Indicate how to obtain technologies
  • Provide information about how to log-in to required applications or sites
  • Include a quiz or assignment asking learners to log-in or set up tools early in the semester

Syllabus and/or Brightspace includes links to technical resources on campus.

We have excellent technology resources on campus – providing this information gives learners the independence to get help.



No grammar or spelling errors.

The instructor is considered the expert in the classroom and the course materials and design should reflect that. Errors may change the meaning of content or lead to confusion.


  • Use built-in spelling and grammar checkers
  • Ask learners to report errors to be corrected

Syllabus and/Brightspace includes WSU Statement on Inclusive Excellence with links to resources.

Faculty at WSU are encouraged to include this statement on course syllabi along with the associated resources.


  • Include this statement and resources as a Brightspace page

Language is consistent throughout the course.

Consistent language orients learners and prevents confusion. This consistency also helps learners predict what is being asked of them.


  • Keep a guide for yourself with naming conventions and terminology used
  • Example: “Chapter 1 Video” and “Chapter 1 Quiz” instead of “Chapter 1 Video” and “Module 1 Quiz”

Syllabus and/or Brightspace includes links to campus resources for learner support.

Faculty at WSU are encouraged to include the Inclusive Excellence statement on course syllabi along with the associated resources.


Syllabus and/or Brightspace includes a statement of academic integrity and link to the Student Code of Conduct.

Learners should be able to easily connect to campus resources from the learning management system (Brightspace).


Course is welcoming to learners.

Personalization (aka “humanizing”) builds a trusting relationship between faculty and learner. This also creates an inclusive and equitable learning environment, where all learners are welcomed, supported, and recognized as individuals.


  • Use a get-to-know-you survey
  • Use the replace strings in Brightspace (ex: {firstname})
  • Include hints and recommendations from previous learners for how to be successful
  • Include an opportunity for learners to introduce themselves to one another
  • Include a welcome message or video on the homepage
  • Use learners’ names in feedback and emails
  • Include course-specific banners
  • Include some personal information about yourself in a bio
  • Ask learners to update their Brightspace profiles
  • Offer office hours at multiple times/days
  • Include a “café” discussion forum
  • Share your pronouns and encourage learners to do the same
  • Take regular “temperature checks” to ensure learners are learning
  • Use informal videos (ex: using your phone) to build a presence
  • Post weekly announcements reviewing what went well from the previous week and with tips for the current week
  • Avoid scheduling exams or due dates on religious or cultural holidays
  • Use non-gendered names/terms when possible
  • Set classroom norms for respect, engagement, and curiosity


The elements in this section consider whether the course content and design meet the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


Text-equivalent (aka: “alt-text”) is provided for all non-text content (ex: images and graphics).

Many assistive technologies do not read images, which makes them inaccessible to learners with visual impairments. Alternative text should clearly explain what the image is and what it represents. This is true in videos as well – avoid using “As you can see in this graph…” without clearly describing the image.


  • For simple images (photos), simple alternative text is sufficient
  • For complex images (including charts, diagrams, and maps), more narrative is needed
  • Use the accessibility checker in your content tools


Accurate Closed Captioning or transcripts are provided for all audio and video recordings.

Audio and video components should include captioning for learners with hearing concerns. Captioning will also assist non-native English learners and in videos with complex language or terminology.


  • Use Mediaspace to house and caption videos
  • Edit captioning and transcripts in Mediaspace
  • Note how to use captioning


There is adequate color contrast for text.

Research shows that dark text on light backgrounds work best for learners. You can check your color choices online. Color should not convey meaning.


  • Be consistent in your use of color
  • Use color sparingly
  • Avoid multiple text colors on a single page
  • Use blue for hyperlinks only; all hyperlinks should be blue

Text is formatted with titles and heading styles.

Headings and titles help learners identify priority and direction in text. Headings play an important role in grabbing the learner’s attention and for learners using screen readers.


  • Use default heading styles in Brightspace
  • Keep headings short
  • Headings should be descriptive

Fonts are readable (minimum of 12-point fonts, sans serif fonts).

Research shows that font and text size are important factors in readability.


  • Use default fonts and sizing in Brightspace (for example: Lato, 19px)

Hyperlinks are identified with descriptive text, rather than URLs. Underlined and blue text is reserved for hyperlinks.

For learners using assistive technologies (such as screen readers), phrases like “click here” are irrelevant. Using descriptive text allows learners to understand the larger context.


  • Instead of “For more information, click here:”, use “Visit WSU for more information”.
  • Use action words in links to indicate what learners should do


All documents (Word, PPT, PDF, etc) pass the internal accessibility checker.

Conforming to accessibility standards benefits all learners, not just those with disabilities.


  • Each of the Office 365 programs includes an “accessibility checker” – this can be found in the Review menu

All HMTL files in Brightspace pass the internal accessibility checker.

Conforming to accessibility standards benefits all learners, not just those with disabilities.


  • Each of Brightspace’s HTML editors includes an “accessibility checker”


Course includes accessibility statements for external tools.

It is important to ensure that all external tools meet the minimum requirements for accessibility. Tools that are integrated into Brightspace have been reviewed and approved by WSU and the MinnState System Office.


There are no flashing or blinking elements.

Flashing or blinking elements may cause seizures in some learners and may distract learners from content.


  • Use larger or bold fonts to attract attention
  • Use visual cues (ex: icons) to draw attention