WSU Technology Knowledge Base:Camtasia Studio 2 for Mac

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About this article

This article includes instructions for downloading, installing, and configuring TechSmith Camtasia Studio. It is intended for instructors.

TLT support

TLT maintains a multi-user Camtasia license for WSU faculty who are interested in using it to develop instructional videos for class purposes. We strongly recommend talking to Chad Kjorlien, TLT Faculty Development Coordinator, Robin O'Callaghan, TLT Senior Instructional Designer, or Ken Graetz, Director of TLT, before investing in this tool. Give TLT a call (x5240 Option 3), send an email to, or drop in to the Maxwell 130 Professional Resource Center during normal business hours. TLT offers consultation and training on the development of effective instructional videos and can help you match your instructional strategies with the right tool.

Installing Camtasia Studio

Download and install either the PC or Mac free trial version of Camtasia Studio directly from the TechSmith Camtasia website. Then contact TLT ( for a license code.

Getting started

TechSmith has produced a wonderful series of introductory tutorials for Camtasia Studio. These are listed below to help you learn the basics:

Save & Backup Camtasia Projects

Here are the steps to save and find your projects:

  1. Launch Camtasia program from you application folder.
  2. Go to File - Save As - Title your project - and choose where you want to save the project. Typically you will want to save it in the same place where you keep the rest of the content for that specific course.

Note: Save yourself considerable time by naming consistently all file associated with the project. Keep the same file name as you produce (i.e. Share) these into .mp4 format and upload your final videos to Mediaspace or other media streaming service.