WSU Technology Knowledge Base:Flipped Classrooms

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WSU faculty interested in designing a new or existing course for flipped delivery.


Flipping a classroom is a concept you may have been reading about in the Chronicle of Higher Education (See here for basic coverage, here for an interesting TED idea on flipping or go directly to, from Educause Learning Initiative Initiative 7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Classrooms or others sources in your own field. For comprehensive coverage of the flipping classrooms we strongly recommend checking out the blog 21st Century Educational Technology and Learning by going here. The fundamental direction of a flipped classroom is to driving more lecture content to pre-class by using tools like Tegrity, Camtisia, Presenter, or the Minnesota State instance of Kaltura and focusing more in-class time on instructional strategies that promote the application or reapplication of this knowledge. Outcomes from this approach to learning are quite impressive and we take note when one of our own colleagues replicates these findings and starts talking about the potential of this innovative change. As most of you have begun to capture content for your classes you are a natural fit for trying out the flipped classroom.

Flipping Classes Workshop Series

Flipping Classes Orientation Meeting

  • Learn about a new opportunity to receive assistance during the upcoming semester to develop flipped classrooms curriculum
  • Begin to identify tools and techniques you might use in your online courses and how support staff can best assist you
  • Discuss your major questions or concerns about online teaching and learning in a face-to-face (F2F) session
    • Instructors who are unsure about whether to undertake an online course redesign project during the upcoming semester and/or who have questions about the process are encouraged to attend.

Instructional Strategies for the Flipped Classroom (Part 1) Instructional Strategies for the Flipped Classroom (Part 1) Lab Time: Designing Flipped Classrooms That Fit Your Needs Assessing the Flipped Classroom

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