WSU Technology Knowledge Base:Susan Zeller

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General Information

  • Audience - All WSU instructors interested in using Qualtrics in their courses.
  • Interview Date - 3/23/2016
  • Tools Used - Qualtrics

Meet the Faculty Member

Dr. Susan Zeller, Associate Professor in Nursing, received her B.A. in Nursing from Luther College, M.S.N. from the University of Kentucky, and D.N.P. from the University of Minnesota with a specialization in acute care, pharmacology, adult health, and international health care. Dr. Zeller has also Lead travel studies with nursing students to England/Ireland and Germany.

Viewing the Interview Segments

The full interview is divided into six segments. Select play to begin viewing Segment 1. To advance to another segments at any time by using the Next Next button.

Segment Descriptions

  1. Introduction
  2. Could you talk generally how you are using Qualtrics in the program? Here Susan describes how a student may use Qualtrics during the semester to provide faculty feedback and other opportunities to change course direction.
  3. Now could you talk more more specifically about your use of Qualtrics? She explains the powerful way she is using Qualtrics to grade capstone presentation and give them instant feedback.
  4. What are some of the outcomes you are seeing in terms of student learning? Students indicate that they greatly value the timely feedback they receive with this method of assessment.
  5. What would you tell other faculty considering doing this assignment? Susan encourages faculty to talk with TLT early so that you are not intimidated by the tool. She also encourages faculty to think about what types of outcomes you are looking for and the types of feedback you want to give students before you build your own instruments.

Good Practices

  • Functional Tools: The creation of an app that allows you to put extensive data at your fingertips is powerful to assisting teachers in the classroom.
  • Great Experience: Building apps for real classroom settings not only prepares future teachers for the challenges they will face, but also allows them to improve interfaces that they will be using in dynamic settings.

Key Outcomes

  • With a tool that can easily be created, manipulated, and updated students are able to build other apps that will continue to meet their needs in the future as changes occur in their classes.
  • This assignment also promotes collaboration between students so that they can better refine their apps.

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