Administer a poll in a Zoom meeting

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Administer a poll in a Zoom meeting to evaluate participants' attitudes, make decisions, and stimulate conversation. Poll questions can be added to Zoom meetings in advance and then administered during the live meeting. You can download the results of the poll after the meeting and can run the poll anonymously or identify responses.

Add a poll question

To add a poll question, open your meeting management page in your Zoom host dashboard and complete the following steps:

  1. From the meeting management page, scroll to the bottom to find the Poll option.
  2. Click Add to begin creating the poll (Fig 1).
  3. Enter a title and your first question.
  4. Check the box if you want to make the poll question anonymous.
  5. Select whether you want the question to be single choice (participants can only choose one answer) or multiple choice question (participants can choose multiple answers).
  6. Enter the answers to your question'.
  7. If you would like to add a new question, click Add a Question to create a new question for that particular poll.
  8. Select 'Save to save and close the poll.

Polling in a Zoom meeting

Edit or delete a poll question

To edit or delete a poll question, open your meeting management page in your Zoom host dashboard and complete the following steps:

  1. From the meeting management page, scroll to the bottom to find the Poll option.
  2. Select Edit to change the question or Delete to remove it (Fig 3).

Launch a poll

To launch a poll in a live Zoom meeting, start or join your meeting as a host and complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Polling option in the menu bar (Fig 4)
  2. Select the poll you would like to launch.
  3. Select Launch Poll (Fig 5). The participants in the meeting will now be prompted to answer the polling questions. The host will be able to see the results live. To stop the poll, select End Poll (Fig 6).
  4. Select Share Results to show the results to participants (Fig 7). Select Stop Sharing to remove the results from participants' screens.

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