Device Return Checklist

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About this article

This article can be used by students or employees to verify they have done everything needed to do their campus device exchange.


Please review this checklist before you arrive at your scheduled exchange session. Note that not all of these checklist items may apply to you and there will not be time to do any of these things during your exchange session. If you have any questions about backups, please consult the instructions in Backing up your Laptop. We would also be happy to help you learn how to backup your data in person. Students should contact Tech Support and employees should contact TLT.

Laptop Checklist

Have all your data backed up to network, cloud or external storage, and bring your power cord. Please note that for Mac's the Time Machine backup will NOT work for the exchange process. Please consult Backing up your Laptop to see how to back up your files. Contact Tech Support or TLT if you have any questions regarding your backup.

Checkbox.png I have backed up all of my personal data stored on my old laptop's hard drive (e.g., documents, pictures, video, music).

Checkbox.png I have either backed up any personal files I saved to my laptop's "desktop" or confirmed that I don't have any files on my desktop.

Checkbox.png I have either exported and backed up my bookmarks/favorites for each browser that I use (e.g. Firefox or Chrome).

Checkbox.png I have created a list of software that I will need to re-install (i.e., Adobe Acrobat Pro, SPSS, JMP) on my new laptop.

Checkbox.png I have located my old laptop's power cord.