Draft:DLC Fall 2018 Class Projects/Danilo Bojic Adobe Spark Video

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About this article

Professor Bojic is using Adobe Spark Video as a part of storytelling activity.

What's Adobe Spark?

This article provides an overview of the features and functions of the Adobe Spark Video. Spark has several components (i.e. Spark Post, Spark Page, and Spark Video) that are all designed to allow you to build dynamic and interactive web content. All WSU students and employees interested in creating with any of the Spark tools as a part of the eWarrior program.

How do I start using Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark has a unique installation for students and the Logging into Adobe Spark video below walks you through the process of logging into the system and downloading the Adobe Spark tool.

Lynda Training

There are many excellent Spark training resources found on the Adobe Learn and Support site. However, the Lynda video (see how to sign in to your Lynda.com account here) are the definitive place to go and learn all about this powerful tool. If you are looking to learning all about Adobe Spark check out the following two courses

Below are some targeted videos for your specific project to help learn some specific functions important to succeed with Spark.

Both of these ( Lynda ) courses are excellent at getting started with Spark and sorts of great ideas to help you organize your story content, manage the different ways Spark can be used to coordinate content, and all the different functions this tool has to offer as you look to tell your stories to a wider audience.

DLC STARS/Presenter

  • Chad Kjorlien

Other Resources

DLC Support

  • Phone: 507-457-2206
  • Email: dlc@winona.edu
  • 1:1 Support: Krueger Library #105