E-Warrior Digital Life and Learning Program

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Brief program history

Beginning as a pilot project in 1997 and reaching full implementation in 2003, the e-Warrior Digital Life and Learning Program provides a fully-configured laptop computer, software and apps, continuous network access, technical support, and numerous learning opportunities to all participating WSU students and employees. The laptops are replaced every two years for students and every three years for employees, enabling everyone to access the latest technology. Our goal is to be a leader in digital learning by providing superior support and service to our students, faculty and staff.

Who Is Included?

All new and transfer students entering WSU on the Winona campus are enrolled in the e-Warrior Digital Life & Learning Program. The fee is automatically billed to their student account, and is included in the formula for determining financial aid eligibility. For questions on financial aid, contact the WSU Financial Aid office at 507-457-5090 or financialaid@winona.edu

The Advantage

The e-Warrior: Digital Life and Learning Program gives students the opportunity to personalize and further their college experiences beyond a traditional computer lab with every student having a fully configured mobile computer.

With your laptop, you can do your work when and where you want. You can now bring your mobile device to class to take notes, access the internet, and create advanced presentations. You will be able to customize your mobile device to meet your individual needs with a degree of privacy not available in computer labs.

Students will find themselves using their computer in a number of ways:

  • Interacting with faculty and fellow students via e-mail, video conferencing, and instant messenger
  • Accessing special course software and data in and out of the classrooms
  • Conducting research via the Internet
  • Preparing papers and presentations
  • Working in online study groups
  • Submitting assignments directly to faculty online
  • Creating web accessible resumes (eFolios)
  • Receiving syllabi and class information electronically
  • Having immediate access to electronic resources (rather than using a computer lab)
  • Creating your own web pages
  • Personal use: music, chats, web surfing, lots more!


Insurance is included on all computers provided as part of the program, with students responsible only for paying the deductible in the event of a loss. There is also damage coverage for non-warranty repairs. Students pay only a portion of the fee regardless of the cost of actual repairs and parts.

Laptop Information

Each laptop comes with a standard software suite that includes Microsoft Office, email, web browsers, and antivirus software. The Adobe Suite, as well as course specific software is also available for installation. Additional items included in the package:

Getting your devices

Laptop Backup for Students


Training/Software Support For Students

1:1 Technology Support

Technical Support/Walk-in

Technical Support/Phone

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