Draft:DLC Spring 2010 Class Projects/Ajit Daniels(MC 225)

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MC225 (Audio Production)

Class Location, Days and Times

  • PAC 224
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 am - 12:20 pm
  • 4 students

Outline of Project(s)

These projects are aimed at helping students "see" sound pictures and, in the process, familiarizing them with broadcast equipment.

Class Projects

  • 30 Sound Effects (SFX) Story. Each student will be given a primary SFX, which he/she will develop and record in conjunction with two secondary SFX.
  • Dramatized Commercial about a product/service of your choice, employing at least two voices, plus BG music and/or SFX.
  • Diagnostic Test; “Making A Radio Commercial” video.
  • Sound-And-Music story, employing at least three SFX and instrumental music. There should be no narration or vocal music.


DLC STARS in Class Assistance Requested

  • Tuesday, 1/19/2010 - Garageband Overview-assign sample project, Kyle Maki
  • Thursday, 1/21/2010 - Garageband-Review of sample project, Kyle Maki
  • Tuesday, 1/26/2010 - Audacity and Q & A, Kyle Maki