SPED 414 and SPED 415 - Danneker

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About This Article

This article describes how mobile computing, specifically tablets, was piloted in Professor Jeanne Danneker's SPED 414 Multisensory/Comprehensive Language Arts Instruction I and SPED 415 Multisensory/Comprehensive Language Arts Instruction II to transform teaching and learning.

Intended Audience

WSU instructors interested in past faculty experience with tablet devices in the classroom.

Fall 2013 iPad Pilot

Students in these courses had access to an iPad tablet to use throughout the fall semester for use in class and in the field. Dr, Danneker has since repeated the pilot in additional semesters.

How the iPads are Used in SPED 414 and SPED 415

Dr. Danneker asked teacher candidates in her SPED 415 Multisensory/Comprehensive Language Arts Instruction II course to take the iPads and explore applications that might be useful for teaching phonics or other reading skills. Three students volunteered and took the iPads. They gave brief informal presentations in class demonstrating a few phonics games.

Seeing success in this limited experiment, Dr. Danneker repeated it in SPED 414 Multisensory/Comprehensive Language Arts Instruction I. Interest grew with a new group of teacher candidates in the SPED 414 reading course during fall semester 2013. Several teacher candidates had iPads and used a few applications during tutoring at a local elementary school. Continuing in the spring semester of 2014, Dr. Danneker revised an assignment in which teacher candidates had previously been required to find and record websites that would be good resources for teaching materials in the five essential areas of reading instruction (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension). The new assignment included locating and documenting iPad applications for reading assistance and instruction.

Professor Danneker hoped to accomplish the following:

  • Demonstrate the uses of iPads in SPED instruction. Dr. Danneker hoped to see students locate viable applications for assistive teaching and begin to use the iPads in their field experience.


Changes in the classroom

  • Use of iPad and their applications on the rise. The current teacher candidates are all using iPads and what are considered appropriate applications during their tutoring sessions.


  • Continue to build upon the success of the SPED 414 and SPED 415 pilots. Mainstreaming iPads into SPED field experience better prepares student teachers for the defacto technology in the K-12 systems.

iPad Applications Employed in SPED 414 and SPED 415

Students investigated their own applications. Dr. Danneker did not preselect a list of applications for use in the class.

Descriptions, pricing, and links to iTunes for each of these applications is available on the iPad Pilot Applications page.

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