MKTG 365 Advanced Professional Selling - Collins

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About This Article

This article describes how mobile computing, specifically tablets, was piloted in Prof. Marianne Collins' MKTG 365 Advanced Professional Selling to transform teaching and learning.

Intended Audience

WSU instructors interested in past faculty experience with tablet devices in the classroom.

Fall 2013 iPad Pilot

Students in this course had access to an iPad tablet to use throughout the fall semester along with several apps selected by Professor Collins for use in class and in the field.

How the iPads are Used in MKTG 365

Part of Advanced Professional Selling is to learn how selling is accomplished. To do this, Professor Collins used to the iPads as selling tools in role-playing exercises and as organizational tools in daily assignments. Applications on the iPads were used to simulate several aspects of the sales and marketing processes, including contact management, customer management, project management, and expense reporting. Additionally, students used the iPads to conduct presentations in the classroom.

Professor Collins hoped to meet the following objectives in her pilot:

  • Introduce the students to the business uses of iPads. There is a growing number of uses for tablet technology and a growing number of business-related applications. Professor Collins hoped to build an understanding and appreciation for the iPad as a business tool.


Changes in the classroom

  • More real-world applications as learning tools. The iPads presented more relevant and meaningful exercises for the students and increased their understanding of how the business world operates.


  • Continue utilizing iPads in class. Based on the results she saw in her pilot class, Professor Collins recommends the continued use of iPads in her classroom and the further exploration of business-related applications.

iPad Applications Employed in MKTG 365

Professor Collins used the following applications in her MKTG 365 iPad pilot:

  • CamCard
  • Expensify
  • Minimal Folio
  • Nearpod
  • NetSuite
  • Numbers
  • Outlook
  • Routzy
  • Webex
  • Weekdone

Descriptions, pricing, and links to iTunes for each of these applications is available on the iPad Pilot Applications page.

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