Sharing ePortfolio artifacts

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Intended Audience

WSU instructors currently using Brightspace and interested in using electronic portfolios in their Brightspace courses.


This article describes the steps involved in using the Brightspace ePortfolio tool to share artifacts for assessment.

Sharing artifacts from the ePortfolio

ePortfolio owners may choose to share their artifacts and reflections with others. This includes allowing teachers to view and assess, peers to read, or career placement people to comment on the relevance and quality of the content.

The owner can share with individual users, define sharing groups with whom to share, or open the content up to course or departmental groups. Artifacts, collections, reflections, presentations, and learning objectives can all be shared with others. Beyond the permissions to read, comment, or edit, availability of the content are also available including always visible, always hidden, and available between supplied dates.

At any time (and certainly before the student leaves WSU at graduation), the content of the ePortfolio can be exported and moved to D2L's public website. This allows potential employers to view the content. Refer to Exporting and importing your ePortfolio for more information.

Share an Item

Create a Sharing Group

If you would like more information on how the Brightspace ePortfolio tool can be used to create and curate electronic portfolios, refer to More Information below.

More Information

Brightspace ePortfolio Instructor Guide

There are a step-by-step instructions on how to use the ePortfolio tool in the Brightspace ePortfolio Instructor Gide.

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