Workshops/Implementing Peer Evaluations in Group Projects
Session Information
- Level - Intermediate, basic experience with D2L, SharePoint, and Qualtrics required
- Audience - Instructors interested in implementing a peer review process into a class project or learning experience.
- Time - 50 minutes
Before the Session
This session is hands-on, so please bring your laptop if possible. If you cannot bring a laptop, one will be provided for you.
General Description
Peer review can be important assessment and motivational tool in which students in lab, project, presentation, and other teams evaluate each others' performance. This process can be cumbersome for both students and instructors, especially as class size increases. Technology can facilitate this process by simplifying response entry and analysis. Review several different approaches to supporting peer review, including the use of the survey functions of Qualtrics, SharePoint, and D2L. Discuss good practices related to the use of peer review in a wide range of academic disciplines.
Learning Outcomes
Following this session, you will be able to...
- Develop a plan for supporting your current peer review process using technology
- Describe the differences among three approaches to peer review using D2L, SharePoint, and Qualtrics
- List three good practices for implementing peer review