Draft:About TLT Scheduled Workshops
What's a Workshop?Highly interactive, hands-on learning sessions that can be attended face-to-face or online. Don't have time to attend? TLT offers other learning resources and opportunities to meet your needs. Finding a Workshop That's Right For YouTeaching and learning workshops are designed for faculty. Administrative and professional productivity workshops are intended for all faculty and staff. Don't see the workshop you need? TLT will design custom workshops (457-5240; tlt@winona.edu). How Do I Register?Workshops are offered multiple times per semester on both the Winona and Rochester campuses. All workshops can also be attended live online via Web conferencing. Select the title of the workshop in the catalog below for more information. Select the Register button to sign up for a scheduled session. Some workshops are not scheduled currently and some may not be scheduled during times that work for you. TLT will schedule additional workshops if there is enough interest. |
Current Workshop Catalog
Teaching and Learning Workshops
These workshops are open to all WSU employees, but are primarily intended for faculty interested in integrating technology into their courses. All focus on the application of technology in an instructional context. Select the bowtie button next to each column header to sort the workshops according to level, track, or tool. Note! The description pages of some workshops are not complete and will be finished soon!
Level | Track | Tool | Register | Workshop Title and Brief Description |
Intermediate | Course Content | PowerPoint | 60px | Enhance the Instructional Power of PowerPoint. Demonstrates how to enhance your existing PowerPoint content by adding narration, notes, annotations and other instructional elements. It also reviews good practices for making your PowerPoint content Web-ready by effectively managing large multimedia components. Finally, we look at instructional applications of open tools like SlideShare. |
Introductory | Course Content | Prezi | ![]() |
An Introduction to Prezi Course Presentations. Prezi is a new online presentation editor with some interesting visual effects. Review the advantages and disadvantages of Prezi versus PowerPoint as a course presentation editor. Review some academic examples of Prezi presentations and learn the basics of Prezi construction. |
Intermediate | Course Content | Word | 60px | Bring Your Old Word Handouts to Life Online. Microsoft Word includes some powerful design features that can help you turn your old class handouts into interactive, multimedia, and web-friendly online learning materials. Learn how to enhance your existing Word files using audio, video, charts, screen shots, and other multimedia elements. Learn how to convert and reuse your Word content for online delivery. |
Introductory | Class Management | WordPress | ![]() |
Academic Applications of WordPress. WordPress is a Web-based blogging tool. WSU has a local WordPress service designed to help you explore various applications (e.g., blogs, journals, portfolios) in your own courses. In this introductory workshop, you will get your own WordPress site on our campus system, learn its basic features and functions, create and publish your first "post," and discuss potential academic applications of the tool. |
Intermediate | Class Management | Qualtrics | 60px | Support Student Survey Research Projects. Qualtrics is a survey research tool that can be used to to create and distribute online surveys and polls using a Web browser. Qualtrics supports a wide range of question types and survey designs and can help students learn how to conduct survey research. Discuss effective approaches to using Qualtrics to support student research projects and review data privacy policies. |
Introductory | Feedback/Assess | Multiple | ![]() |
A New Look at Just-In-Time Teaching. Early just-in-time teaching (JiTT) involved polling students immediately before class meetings and adjusting lesson plans accordingly. Today, feedback can be gathered at any point during class using students' mobile devices. This introductory workshop reviews theory and research behind JiTT and demonstrates new JiTT methods, including the use of classroom polls and an instant messaging "back channel." |
Introductory | Feedback/Assess | Multiple | ![]() |
Introduction to Student Response Systems. Learn to conduct polling, student assessments, and other just-in-time teaching (JiTT) techniques with the Turning Technologies student response system software and hardware. This introductory workshop applies the theory and research behind JiTT and will allow faculty to begin to utilize this technology within their courses. |
Introductory | Course Content | Multiple | ![]() |
Find and Use Open Educational Resources. Numerous, open sources of exceptional online content are available for instructional use, including text, graphics, audio, and video content as well as simulations, games, and other ready-made activities. Learn to locate these materials and integrate them into your courses. Explore several popular online repositories and open resource initiatives and the steps involved in sharing your own content openly. |
Intermediate | Class Management | D2L | ![]() |
Build a Learning Object Repository in D2L. A D2L Learning Object Repository (LOR) is a secure database that exists outside of any particular course. It allows instructors to make changes to one copy of a shared resource and to share a single copy of a resource with their colleagues for use across multiple courses. Observe a LOR demonstration, discuss individual and collaborative applications, and address intellectual property issues. |
Introductory | Communication/Collab | Multiple | ![]() |
Collaborative Learning in Large Classes. Engaging students in large-enrollment courses may be challenging, particularly when first moving from a smaller to a larger class size. Technology can facilitate this process by supporting and streamlining communication, feedback, and collaborative learning activities. This workshop will present a buffet of evidence-based ideas, tips and techniques for enhancing communication and collaboration in large classes effectively. |
Introductory | Course Content | Multiple | ![]() |
Adopt eBooks. Electronic versions of textbooks and primary source materials have become richer, more accessible, and easier to use, making them a viable and less expensive alternative to printed texts. This workshop will cover the steps involved in adopting ebooks in your courses, including how to address potential technical problems proactively and how to integrate publisher resources with D2L. The use of open ebooks and copyright issues will also be covered. |
Introductory | Class Management | D2L | ![]() |
The D2L Grade Book Tool - Weighted Grade Books. Weighted grading involves the assignment of percentages versus points to grade items and categories. Learn how to use the D2L grade book tool to support weighted grading and provide students with easy access to grades. Set up, organize, and grade assignments using this web based grade tool. |
Introductory | Course Content | Tegrity | ![]() |
Introduction to Class Capture with Tegrity This workshop will introduce you to Tegrity Campus 2.0, a system for capturing, publishing online, and annotating live classroom activities. These annotated recordings can be a powerful learning tool for your students as they reflect on the information and experiences from previous class meetings. Knowing that the class activity is being captured can also help students be more reflective during class. |
Introductory | Class Management | Multiple | 60px | Grading Made Easy: An Open Discussion. Probe different grading approaches by looking to current research in this area and becoming familiar with the different tools on campus to provide student feedback more effectively. |
Introductory | Class Management | Multiple | ![]() |
To the Cloud!. As our level of comfort with Web-based services increases, more instructional technology and related activities that used to depend on powerful personal computers with fast processors and large hard drives will move to the Web. Most instructors already rely heavily on externally-hosted or "cloud-based" services. Learn how this concept will likely expand through such tools as Google Docs and Windows Live. Discuss the promise and potential pitfalls. |
Introductory | Course Content | Multiple | ![]() |
Creating Courseware Using SoftChalk LessonBuilder. LessonBuilder can be used to create multi-page "ebook" content for online delivery by importing existing Microsoft Word content or starting from scratch. It also allows you to embed interactive learning activities such as short quizzes, interactive images, and simple games as well as multimedia elements (e.g., audio, video). This hands-on workshop covers the basic use of LessonBuilder to author online content. |
Introductory | Class Management | D2L | ![]() |
The D2L Grade Book Tool - Points-Based Grade Books Points-based grading involves the assignment of points versus percentages to grade items and categories. Learn how to use the D2L grade book tool to support points-based grading and provide students with easy access to grades. Set up, organize, and grade assignments using this web based grade tool. |
Introductory | Course Content | Acrobat | 60px | Using Adobe Acrobat to Develop Online Course Material. This hands-on workshop introduces you to the latest version of Adobe Acrobat and the steps required to convert Word documents to Adobe PDF documents. Explore the benefits of the PDF format, including the inclusion of multimedia content and student access to PDF content on their laptops and handheld devices through popular media players like Apple iTunes. |
Introductory | Course Content | ![]() |
Creating Engaging Learning Activities Using Google Earth. Google Earth is a powerful tool with applications extending far beyond geography. Faculty in English, Political Science, Biology, and a wide range of other disciplines are finding ways to integrate Google Earth and geotagging activities into their courses. Familiarize yourself with the latest features of Google Earth, including how to track and share your paths with your students. | |
Introductory | Course Content | Multiple | 60px | Composing Simple 2D and 3D Diagrams for Online Delivery. WSU provides faculty with a number of tools for creating informative illustrations and diagrams for Web delivery, from simple line drawings to more complex 3D models. In addition, there are a number of free tools available online that make illustration and simple diagramming a snap. Learn how to use Adobe Fireworks and Google SketchUp for simple diagramming. |
Introductory | Class Management | Connect | ![]() |
Scheduling and Moderating Online Guest Speakers and Student Presenters. Today's virtual meeting tools allow instructors to arrange and moderate live online learning events for their students without having to worry about time and travel. This hands-on workshop covers the steps involved in supporting live events such as guest speakers and live demonstrations from remote locations. Review good practices for capturing these events for later playback. |
Introductory | Class Management | D2L | ![]() |
Organizing and Managing Your Content in D2L. D2L allows instructors to upload files (e.g., text, images, sound, video), link to external Web pages, and author content directly. Explore good practices and useful examples for organizing course files and creating effective content outlines in D2L. Learn to use of the built-in editor for creating content directly inside D2L that can be quickly and easily edited. |
Introductory | Class Management | DocuWiki | ![]() |
An Introduction to Course Wikis. Wikis are emerging as simple and useful tools for gathering and managing online information. Wikis can be used by multiple contributors, allowing instructors to work together in teams and engage students in the knowledge discovery and creation process. Learn the basic use and management of a course wiki. Compare several wiki tools and explore good practices for involving others in wiki page authoring and editing. |
Introductory | Course Content | Multiple | 60px | Launching and Managing Podcasts. The term "podcast" refers to syndicated online audio and video content posted on a regular basis as part of a series of episodes. By subscribing to the podcast series, new content is downloaded to students' devices (e.g., laptops, iPods) where they can review it at their convenience. Learn how to capture audio and video content, how to upload that content to a podcasting service, and how to instruct students how to subscribe to the podcast. |
Introductory | Course Content | Multiple | ![]() |
Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Creative Commons Licensing. Although the Fair Use provides relatively wide latitude to educators, is is often misapplied. Review technology and copyright legislation as it applies to education in general and online learning specifically. Discuss Fair Use guidelines, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the TEACH Act, and recent developments that facilitate the open sharing of educational resources. |
Introductory | Class Management | Multiple | ![]() |
Keep Students on Track Using the D2L News, Schedule, and Checklist Tools. As your online course materials and activities grow, students often find it difficult to navigate and determine what to do next. D2L includes multiple tools to help you structure your course and provide that direction for students. Learn how to use News items, the Schedule (i.e., calendar), and the Checklist tool to help students stay on track. |
Introductory | Communication/Collab | Multiple | ![]() |
Host Virtual Office Hours and Study Sessions. Virtual meeting or web conferencing technology has advanced to support rich, synchronous social interaction online. Online office hours and exam reviews can be convenient and productive, allowing students to participate from anywhere. Learn how to schedule and manage these types of events using Adobe Connect, a full-featured Web conferencing tool. |
Introductory | Class Management | Multiple | ![]() |
Gathering and Enhancing Course-Related Resources Using Social Bookmarking. Saving interesting sites as personal "bookmarks" or "favorites" is common practice when surfing the Web. New social bookmarking tools allow groups to gather a shared set of links, annotations, and citations. This introductory workshop demonstrates several academic applications of three social bookmarking tools: Delicious, Diigo and Zotero. |
Intermediate | Communication/Collab | D2L | ![]() |
Using Groups in D2L. D2L allows instructors to support groups of students within their courses by enabling a set of tools and resources available only to that group (e.g., content, discussion forums, dropboxes). Learn how to assign students to groups, restrict content access by group, and activate group-specific tools. Discuss examples of effective D2L group use. |
Introductory | Communication/Collab | Multiple | ![]() |
An Introduction to Social Networking and Learning Communities. With the popularity of Facebook, many instructors are wondering whether such social networking tools have academic applications. Learn how to use common social networking tools to establish and manage learning communities in your courses. Explore the potential of learning communities to engage students, increase participation, and support collaborative learning. |
Intermediate | Feedback/Assess | Multiple | ![]() |
Implementing Peer Evaluations in Group Projects. WSU supports several applications that can support peer review in student groups (e.g., lab groups, project groups). Review good practices for using peer evaluations in collaborative student projects. Discuss two technological approaches to collecting peer evaluations: using a Microsoft SharePoint teamsite and using a Qualtrics survey. |
Introductory | Communication/Collab | ![]() |
Educational Appl ications of Twitter. Twitter is a popular micro-blogging tool with some very interesting instructional applications. Learn the basics of Twitter usage and explore several simple classroom applications, including its use as a back channel and for supporting focused discussion. Learn how to monitor Twitter conversations, how to archive conversations for later analysis, and how to guide students in their use of Twitter in class. | |
Introductory | Feedback/Assess | D2L | ![]() |
Introduction to D2L Quizzes. This session is designed to provide faculty with a way to learn how to successfully create a Quiz Library, pull content from the Quiz Library into a quiz, randomize sections of questions, and activate the quiz for students. In this session we also address some of the key mistakes that can occur when creating, implementing, and analyzing quiz outcomes. |
Intermediate | Feedback/Assess | D2L | ![]() |
Enhance D2L Quizzes Using Feedback and Hints. Practice adding feedback to D2L quizzes, quiz questions, and question response options. Learn how to insert hints in D2L quiz questions that facilitate student learning and recollection. Explore the use of multimedia elements that enhance feedback and hints. Review literature related to the effective use of online quiz feedback. |
Intermediate | Feedback/Assess | Multiple | ![]() |
Provide Feedback on Written Assignments. Evaluate three technological approaches to providing students with feedback on their writing assignments: using the document review features of Microsoft Word, using a D2L discussion forum, and by commenting on a student's WordPress blog. Discuss new and emerging tools for annotating students' written work. |
Intermediate | Feedback/Assess | Multiple | 60px | Formative Assessment Tools. Working. |
Intermediate | Class Management | D2L | ![]() |
Introduction to Building Engaging Widgets for D2L Course Home Pages. In this session we will cover the basic steps of setting up a D2L Custom Widgets for your home page. |
Administrative and Professional Productivity Workshops
These workshops are open to all WSU employees and focus on the application of technology to support administrative tasks and professional productivity. Select the bowtie button next to each column header to sort the workshops according to level, track, or tool.
Track | Tool | Level | Register | Workshop Title and Brief Description |
Communication/Collab | SharePoint | Introductory | [Request Training] | Managing Group Writing and Document Sharing Using Sharepoint. Cover the features of document libraries using Sharepoint. |
Form Tools | Misc | Introductory | [Request Training] | Introducing Simple Online Forms and Surverys. WSU offers a number of solutions for gathering information from internal and external visitors to your department Web site. Simple online forms and surveys are easy to build and maintain yourself. This workshop provides an overview of the online form and survey tools available on campus, including Microsoft InfoPath, Microsoft SharePoint Custom Lists and Libraries, Adobe Acrobat, and Qualtrics. It covers how to decide whether an online form or survey is needed, whether it's a simple or complex application, and which tool will best meet your needs. |
Form Tools | InfoPath | Advanced | [Request Training] | Online Form Data Validation in InfoPath. This workshop is intended for those who have already mastered the basics of InfoPath and SharePoint online form construction. It provides in-depth training on how to add data validation and dynamic form customization (e.g., different fields appearing based on previous responses) to your online forms, as well as basic workflow controls (e.g., routing forms to selected individuals for approval). |
Knowledge Management | Multiple | Introductory | [Request Training] | RSS Feeds: Why and How You Should Use Them. Using RSS feeds in conjunction with Google Reader to aggregate all our web-based information to one spot not only saves us time, but allows us to track and manage our professional and personal reading. In this session we cover how to setup your RSS feeds within Google Reader, manage your RSS feeds, and use this tool to track your professional reading and sharing of resources with colleagues. |
Knowledge Management | Multiple | Introductory | [Request Training] | Saving interesting sites as personal "bookmarks" or "favorites" is common practice when surfing the Web. New social bookmarking tools allow groups to gather a shared set of links, annotations, and citations. This introductory workshop demonstrates several professional applications of three social bookmarking tools: Delicious, Diigo and Zotero. |
Productivity Tools | Office | Introductory | [Request Training] | Office Communicator Instant Messaging. Learn how to use and configure Office Communicator to work for you. |
Productivity Tools | Office | Introductory | [Request Training] | Outlook Calendar Best Practices. Manage Your Outlook Calendar |
Productivity Tools | Office | Introductory | [Request Training] | Outlook Mailbox Best Practices. Manage Your Outlook Mailbox |
Productivity Tools | Office | Introductory | [Request Training] | Word 2010 Mail Merge. Learn how to create a Mail Merge documents like letters, envelopes or labels. |
Productivity Tools | Office | Introductory | [Request Training] | Outlook 2010 New Features. Go over the new features of Outlook 2010 |
Productivity Tools | Office | Introductory | [Request Training] | Word 2010 New Features. Cover the new features of Word 2010 |
Productivity Tools | Office | Introductory | [Request Training] | Powerpoint 2010. Learn about the new features of Powerpoint 2010 |
Portal Tools | Sharepoint | Introductory | [Request Training] | Create a Collaboration Team Site. Windows SharePoint allows teams or departments to create web sites for information sharing and document collaboration to increase individual and team productivity. |
Portal Tools | Sharepoint | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Create lists in Sharepoint. Learn how to create a list in your SharePoint site and customize it to include the columns of information that you want. You will also learn about using sorting, filters, and views to display the information just the way you want. |
Portal Tools | Sharepoint | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Simple Online Forms using Custom Lists. Simple online forms are easy to build and maintain yourself with custom lists in Sharepoint. |
Portal Tools | Sharepoint | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Create a Custom List from an Excel Spreadsheet. |
Portal Tools | Sharepoint | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Export Data from Custom Lists. |
Portal Tools | Sharepoint | Advanced | [Request Training] | Work with Content Types in Sharepoint Lists. |
Portal Tools | Sharepoint | Introductory | [Request Training] | Commitee Site Management. This session is intended for people that take meeting minutes for a WSU committee. You will learn how to post these minutes to a standard WSU Committee site. Other features will also be covered, like posting announcements, assigning tasks, sending emails to committee members and assigning permissions to the site. |
Productivity Tools | Adobe | Introductory | [Request Training] | Adobe Portfolio. |
Research/Scholarship | Qualtrics | Introductory | [Request Training] | An Introduction to Survey Research Using Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a powerful survey research tool that can be used to create and distribute online surveys and polls using a Web browser. Qualtrics supports many question types and survey designs. In this introductory-level workshop, learn how to build and launch simple surveys, access descriptive results, and apply IRB and data privacy policies. |
Research/Scholarship | Qualtrics | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Constructing Good Survey Questions Using Qualtrics. Qualtrics makes it easy to distribute online surveys, but is your survey actually measuring what you need to know? How do you construct a good survey question? In this intermediate-level workshop, review basic concepts in measurement and question construction and learn how to detect and correct bad survey items and how to apply various Qualtrics question types effectively. |
Research/Scholarship | Qualtrics | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Mastering Qualtrics Survey Design Tools. While some surveys are short and simple, others are more complex. Respondents may need to skip to certain questions or blocks of questions based on their answers to other questions, for example. Using several fully-implemented, complex surveys as examples, this intermediate-level workshop demonstrates how to implement conditional paths and other survey design elements. |
Research/Scholarship | Qualtrics | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Distributing Qualtrics Surveys. Qualtrics offers a number of options for distributing surveys to respondents. Beyond simply making the survey open to anyone, you can restrict access to selected samples. In this intermediate workshop, you will learn the basics of survey sampling and how to use panels in Qualtrics to gather data from samples. |
Research/Scholarship | Qualtrics | Intermediate | [Request Training] | Analyzing Qualtrics Survey Data. Survey data can be reviewed from within Qualtrics using its powerful reporting features and can be exported to other data analysis tools such as SPSS. In this intermediate workshop, you will learn these skills as well as some basic descriptive and exploratory data analysis techniques. |
Security | Multiple | Introductory | [Request Training] | Safe Computing. Raise your awareness of data privacy and security risks in the work place.
Web Services | InfoPath | Introductory | [Request Training] | Building Simple Online Forms in Microsoft InfoPath and SharePoint. Simple online forms are easy to build and maintain yourself with custom lists in Sharepoint. |
Web Services | Acrobat | Introductory | [Request Training] | Create a Form with Adobe Pro Form Wizard. Description coming... |