DLC Fall 2023 Class Projects/Roger Boulay

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In Professor Boulay's class, you will be using WordPress to construct a website gallery to share your art. WordPress is one of the largest website creation tools in use that allows you to easily build customized sites. Users can host a blog or also use WordPress to build static websites. The beauty of WordPress is its flexibility and ease of use but can be upgraded to allow for advanced website creation. Although labeled as a "blogging tool," WordPress can actually be used as the foundation for a variety of Web sites and services (e.g., personal homepages, electronic portfolios). This article provides general resources about WordPress for your classes WordPress site found at https://educate.winona.edu/watkinsgallery/.

Important Info for Setting your WordPress Account

Follow the links below for help with setting up your WordPress account:

Training Resources



There are also lots of helpful training videos about WordPress on LinkedIn Learning If you do not have a LinkedIn Learning account set up please check out the article Activate your LinkedIn Learning account.


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DLC STARS/Presenter

  • Chad Kjorlien
  • ckjorlien@winona.edu

Other Resources

DLC Support

  • Phone: 507-457-2206
  • Email: dlc@winona.edu
  • 1:1 Support: Krueger Library #105