DLC Fall 2024 Class Projects/Ann Loth-Qualtrics

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Project Details

Professor Ann Loth uses Qualtrics for peer evaluations and survey research projects. In this resource, you will find instructions for accessing your Qualtircs account, how to upgrade this account so you can distribute your surveys, and several resources designed to help you utilize this powerful tool.

What is Qualtrics?

Qualtrics is a full-featured, web-based tool for creating and conducting online surveys. This tool is both easy to use and extremely powerful. Qualtrics enables users to do many kinds of online data collection and analysis including market research, customer satisfaction, and course evaluations. All WSU employees and students can create a Qualtrics account. Winona State's Qualtrics instance is located at: https://winona.qualtrics.com. Note: Do not use the free trial version at www.qualtrics.com.

Qualtrics Campus Use Policy

Winona State University has a Qualtrics licensing agreement for faculty, staff and students to create accounts. All accounts are created with student-level permissions by default. These accounts will not be able to distribute surveys. Using Qualtrics for personal, commercial or other non-academic use is prohibited. Using Qualtrics for third-party, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations is not allowed. Using Qualtrics to Highly Restricted Data as defined by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Procedure 5.23.2 is prohibited. People that have their account upgraded to be able to distribute surveys must follow these terms:

Authorization and Access Procedure

The collection of data for administrative business purposes must be expressly authorized by the appropriate data owner as designated and publicly posted by the campus president (Procedure 5.23.3). The means of collecting the data and its intended usage must be approved and documented as appropriate.

Account Maintenance

Quarterly review of user access will be performed by the IT Data Services Team.  This routine access audit will remove access from unenrolled students and separated employees.  Inactive users of the system are also subject to deactivation.

Data Retention

The IT Data Services Team in cooperation with Institutional Performance and Assessment should establish and document an appropriate data retention schedule based on the university data classification model.  This retention schedule should include recommendations for data deletion, archival and long-term reporting that both fulfills business objectives and reduces risk of data exposure.  This retention schedule should be approved by designated campus data owners.  Users should consider removing data under their control when analysis and objectives have been met.

Human Subjects in Research

In accordance with federal regulations, Winona State University is responsible for safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects who participate in research. Some surveys may be considered human subjects research and must be reviewed by the Winona State IRB.

If your survey is for a research project that involves human subjects and meets the definition of research (systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge, i.e., to apply the data to a broader population than your sample and to publish or present your findings) then IRB approval may be required.

In general, if you are using a survey to collect data for a class project, quality improvement or assessment of a program or project, or departmental evaluation, IRB approval may not be required.

Direct questions about human subjects research and IRB review for your survey to Brett Ayers bayers@winona.edu, Human Protections Administrator.

Log into Qualtrics at WSU

Qualtrics uses SSO (Single Sign ON) which uses your Office 365 credentials for login i.e., pp7698le@minnstate.edu (employee account), pp7698le@go.minnstate.edu (student account). If you are already logged into Office 365 and go to https://winona.qualtrics.com the system should take you directly in.

  • Step by step instructions to sign into Qualtrics
  • If you are new to Qualtrics you have to upgrade your account if you need to distribute surveys. Read the next two sections for instructions on how to upgrade your account so you can distribute surveys.

Do you have an employee and student Office 365 account? If you are logged into Office 365 with your employee credentials and need to use your student login, then you will need to use a different browser to login with your other account or an incognito window to use those credentials.

Students - How to Upgrade Your Account to Distribute Surveys

Students must have a full-time supervising faculty or staff member approval to have their Qualtrics account upgraded for distribution permissions. Students should follow these steps.

Step 1: Create your Qualtrics account (see above).

Step 2: Create and share survey with supervising faculty or staff member (see Sharing Qualtrics surveys)

If the faculty or staff member plans to distribute the survey, then this is all you have to do. If the student plans to distribute the survey, continue:

Step 3: Fill out the request form Upgrade Your Student Qualtrics Account

Step 4: Once the supervising faculty or staff member approves your request, your account will be upgraded.

Learn how to use Qualtrics

Qualtrics has extensive documentation to learn the survey platform: Explore to Qualtrics Survey Platform. The following links can be used to show you how to specifically create and distribute surveys:

Teaching, Learning and Technology (TLT) is also available for 1:1 training sessions or email Qualtics@winona.edu with your questions.

Other Resources

DLC STARS/Presenter

Chad Kjorlien

  • Phone: 507-457-5167
  • Email: ckjorlien@winona.edu
  • Office: Krueger Library #104

Other Resources

DLC Support

  • Phone: 507-457-2206
  • Email: dlc@winona.edu
  • 1:1 Support: Krueger Library #105