Draft:DLC Spring 2011 Class Projects/Nicholas Wysocki(EFRT 308)

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EFRT 308

Class Location, Days and Times

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Class Projects and Support

D2L URL: https://winona.learn.minnstate.edu

Any question about Wordpress and Audacity:

Digital Learning Center
Somsen 207
Email for appointment: DLC@winona.edu or AskTech@winona.edu
Call for appointment: 507-457-5240 option 1

Any questions about Tegrity:

Maxwell 130
Email for appointment: tlt@winona.edu
Call for appointment: 507-457-5240 option 3

Software and Topics to Be Covered


About WordPress

Introduction to WordPress.com

Learn Wordpress

  • Start
Set up an Account
Users: Optional Update Profile
  • Focus
What is the goal of your WordPress.com page?
Settings: Privacy (entire site) vs specific pages
  • Customize
Appearance: Think about your Theme as it will influence your page
  • Publish
  • Other Features:
Appearance: Widgets


Downloading Audacity

  • Directions and Getting Started
    • Follow the instructions under "Downloading Audacity" and "Importing and Saving Audio as MP3".
      • After you install Audacity, it is very important that you install the LAME Encoder according to the directions provided.

Installing Audacity and LAME

On Macs

On PCs-

Basic Audacity Menu Overview

  • Toolbar Help Click on toolbar images/link for more information on each toolbar.
  • For descriptions on the tools in the Effects Tab go here Effects
  • Main Toolbar Audacity MAIN Toolbar Help
    • Envelope tool - controls volume
    • Editing - cutting, splicing and using the time tool
      • Time Tool - time shifting
  • Recording with external mic and other recording tips

Saving Audacity Files to Class Storage

Linking your Audacity (audio) file to your WordPress Page

Copy and paste the appropriate path to your WordPress page. You can updated the text by making a path to the folder. Please have update the "username" to ensure it goes to the correct folder. Note: Even though you are posting the path to the file, only those with permission to the folder (you and your professor) will have access. Also, posting this path to your on your page will not work for everyone because the path is specific for those with a Mac (such as your professor).

EFRT 308 9:30 Section:


EFRT 308 2:00 Section:



In this part of the project you will be recording your interviews with a product called Tegrity. This capturing technology allows you you to capture video of you and the interviewee and the questions you have on your computer desktop. It allows you to easily upload this interview and post it so only your professor can view this content. To do this:

1. Go to your D2L course.

2. In the content area select the Tegrity link.

3. Download the recorder in IE or Firefox.

Additional Training Materials and Support

Any question about Wordpress and Audacity:

Digital Learning Center
Somsen 207
Email for appointment: dlc@winona.edu or techsupport@winona.edu
Call for appointment: 507-457-5240 option 1

Any questions about Tegrity:

Maxwell 130
Email for appointment: tlt@winona.edu
Call for appointment: 507-457-5240 option 3

Additional Software Information


  • Cross fading - Videos 17 & 21
  • Balancing the sound levels - keeping it consistent Video 14
  • Pulling out background noise
    • Noise Removal is located in the Effects Tab in the main control panel. It is a default effect tool.
  • Combining audio tracks
    • If you have different sound bits that you would like to unify into one single track go here Mixing
  • How to make a LEAN podcast - file compression
    • When the file is saved through the LAME encoder (which you should already have installed) as an MP3 it will automatically be compressed.