Saving files to personal network storage from a PC
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About this article
This article includes instructions for saving files from your Windows-based PC to your personal campus network storage. It is intended for employees. Students do not have personal campus network storage. They have OneDrive for Business only.
What's personal campus network storage?
Every employee has 4 GB of personal network storage on a local campus network server. PC users know this as their R drive. You can use your R drive to store all sorts of work-related files, but it is highly recommended for any private university data (e.g., student grades, employee performance reports). Network storage is mandatory for highly sensitive private data (e.g., social security numbers). Review the data sensitivity and file storage article for more information.
How to save files to your personal network storage
- Open two File Explorer windows and size/move them so they are side-by-side (video). If you Shift-click on the File Explorer icon, you can repeat the process to open as many windows as needed.
- In one window, open your R drive. Create a new folder to store your files if needed.
- In the other window, view the files or folders you want to copy.
- Drag-and-drop files from this window to your R drive window.
Pro tips
- When accessing your R drive from off campus, a VPN connection is required and you will need to run Click-to- Map-Drives to load the drive. When on campus, the drive should just appear on your list. If it doesn't, restart your computer or run Click-to-Map-Drives.
- To get each window to 'snap & fit' to half of the screen, select one of the File Explorer windows, hold down the Windows key, and press the left arrow key. Repeat the process in the second window, but press the right arrow key while holding down the Windows key.
- Some people create a folder on their R drive called Backup[today's date] into which they copy their files. If this helps you keep things organized, go for it.
- You will fill up the 4 GBs quickly if you store a lot of media (e.g., pictures, movies, music) on your R drive. Instead, use this space to store important school-related files that you absolutely cannot lose.